I’ve been inactive for a while and I thought I’d share the reason why.
I was diagnosed with cancer earlier in the year and ended up having pan-proctocolectomy surgery to remove it. I had a right hemicolectomy five years ago, the first time I had bowel cancer, so this second operation was to remove what was left of my colon, my rectum, and my anus. At the same time I was given an ileostomy which means that my bum is now on my tummy and waste empties into a bag.
It was major surgery of course, but I’m recovering from it really well. The only thing holding me back at the moment is the wound where my anal sphincter used to be (everything came out that way). That’s still weeping and I’m having to wear pantie pads, but once that’s healed there’ll be no holding me back. Apparently surgery where they end up sewing up your bum is called Barbie Butt surgery, so I reckon I’m pretty trendy right now!
I might document my journey if anyone is interested. Obviously it’s already involved major lifestyle changes, but once I’m fully healed there’s no reason why I shouldn’t pursue any of the activities I engaged in before. To be honest, I’m a bit frustrated at the moment and can’t wait for things to get back to normal again!
Forgive the poor quality of the picture… It shows my new situation well enough.