Wow there is a whole lot of nothing going on in my life at the moment.

Had a good 4th. My hockey league starts back up tomorrow and then it's 3 games in 4 days, so I should be hurting quite nicely by this weekend. Whoo! tongue
We're sticking with the name Ramona, but thanks for the suggestion!

Good luck with hockey!
Well we lost again 4-2 after having the lead most of the night. mad

I hate losing. I really hate losing when we were winning. Oh well at least I got a goal.

Damn. I feel a pizza craving coming on.

Pizza is good. You hate losing at what? Hmm. I am sleepy. I should go to sleep soon but I want to smoke a bowl and eat ice cream. I hope my family goes to sleep soon so I can do that.
Awww. Thanks. I like "Gainfully underachieving" for occupation. Is that a hamster cage I see in the background of your pick?
Whew. Been busy.

My new hockey league started Saturday and we got hammered 5-0. eeek On top of that no one went to the bar! frown

Got hockey again tonight and hopefully things will go better. To bad it's at 11:30pm and I'm going to wrecked for work tomorrow. Good thing I don't have to do much on average. biggrin

Later Gators! tongue
blah. I feel like crap. I had a sinus headache last night which meant virtually no sleep. It's amazing how fast 6:30am comes around when you don't get any sleep until 2am.

Our lab puppy Daisy keeps deciding she want on the bed at 5am. She's thirteen weeks old which is just big enough to see over the edge of the bed. Nothing like waking...
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eggs benedict is poached eggs on top of candian bacon and an english muffin topped with hollandaise sauce, its sooooooo yummy biggrin biggrin biggrin

hope yer sinuses clear up
hmm we dont have Olve Garden around here that i know of but i went there once over Spring Break and i was soooo sick i couldnt taste anything but it looked yummy, and plus they served me a Margarita so theyre great in my book biggrin
God I can not wait for my summer hockey season to start.

Saturdays should be spent playing hockey and then going to the bar.

Sitting home watching Cartoon Network is just not cutting it. surreal (and why the hell Inuyasha or Rurouni Kenshin not on!?)
Sounds like a good plan. I would skip the hockey and go straight to the bar. Word. That's a great pic by the way. Rock on.
yah.. I like to give my fat kitty raspberries (but always end up with a mouthful of fur)
frown Bleh. It's friday and we're doing a whole lot of nothing.

I'm too young to feel this bleh! eeek

At least I'm in shape.....sigh....no I'm not. Damn. skull

yay for inuyasha! hes a hottie he is.
and if you're close dont forget to come to sg cedar point day. get your tickets off the message board now wink im such a promotion whore.
I am multi-talented, but I don't know if I could eat and come at the same time...
Found out today I might either get laid off or get more hours. Life is strange sometimes.

Had a Dorito craving. biggrin Ate too many Doritos.oink Now have a Dorito stomach ache. puke

Still have two weeks until my new hockey league starts, so I'm sure they'll go straight to my hips. wink

My wife who is English, got her green card yesterday, so she can now participate...
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Well it's offical. My life is boring.

Went to work, came home. Other than painting a halfway decent Manga style Sesshomauru on some transparancy film, it's been another pointless day in a string.

My hamstrings hurt from carrying shingles up to the roof on the weekend. whatever

Oh yeah, the anniversary went well.