I drove 5 and a half hours out there for a job interview, and the first thing they told me was, "We should be honest with you- we're not actually hiring for the position you applied for [visual merchandiser] but since you have a ton of experience we'd start you out as a cashier at $9.50/hr, and visuals make $10."

1) When you spoke to me on the phone, you should have told me the interview you wanted to set up wasn't for the position I applied for, ESPECIALLY if you know I'm coming from out of town. 2) $10/hr for a merchandising position in a big city is absurd, and I wouldn't have even applied for it had I known that. I made a significant amount more than that merchandising in Pittsburgh, where the cost of living is MUCH cheaper. Not to mention, I have years of experience which should warrant a better payrate! 3) A cashier? Really? I paid my retail dues and I'm not going going back to it for that. Reverting to a shittier position for less pay? When I have years of experience doing visual and other shit? And you tell me repeatedly in the interview how overqualified I am? Naw, son.
Then, the friend I was supposed to stay with told me I couldn't stay with her anymore, essentially because she wanted to hang out with this dude she's seeing, whom she has known for- 100% LITERALLY- a week. Didn't even offer to let me stay at her place while they did their thing, didn't attempt to help me find another place to crash, nothing. Luckily, another friend of mine was in town with the people she nannies for, and although I couldn't stay with them, she found us another friend to crash with for the night. And we went to Mad Decent Monday at M Bar, which was pretty fun.

Another positive was seeing this sign in a pet store that looked like my dog:
Cuddling with another Boston:
(a normal looking one, not a mutant freak like mine!)
And eating the best vegan fried "chicken" sandwich known to man at the Khyber Pass Pub.
When I was on my way home yesterday, the company's district manager called and was like, "I heard you interviewed with so and so at store blah blah but I'd like to talk to you about a keyholder position at store blargh blargh." Same horrendous payrate. I told them to kindly go fuck themselves.
Anyway, I'm back home now. Moral of the story- you can't rely on anyone but yourself. I mean, I knew that. But it was a reminder, for sure. Sometimes I wonder if everyone has as much of a struggle with unreliable/shitty/shady friends as I've had in my life, or if I especially attract that element for some reason. And thus, only ever have a very few friends that I actually TRULY keep close, rely on, trust, etc.
In honor of Mad Decent Monday, here's one of my favorite videos of late:
Maybe I'll move to Jamaica instead of Philly.
Off to feel emo about various things. Ha!
PS. This
is still here
Keep on truckin'