Keeping with the Homeland Security motif, a deleted scene from Baron-Cohen's movie wherein he put a towel on his head with his belt and crossed into AZ with a satchel. Meanwhile his peeps taped the whole thing from a Minuteman outpost. Genius.
Sad as I am to pre-empt the Pokemon Death Squad Youth, upon finding this, I had to. Yesterday on NPR there was more about the feud between Kazakhstan and Borat. They interviewed Kazakh Press Secretary, Roman Vasilenko, but failed to let Borat give his side of the story (fucking journo hacks).
This all follows on the heels of a hokey campaign blitz by Kazakhstan in... Read More
I dont know if it was that or sefl sabotage or whatever, either way it was stupid and out of the blue and at one of the worst times this year. I guess in the end it does not matter because it still happened and I cannot go back and change it.