This warm weather is killing me! I ain't got ac in my car and one window don't roll down! it's so hot i'm startin to talk like a hick! I'm trying to stay inside and entertain myself. I'm working on learning how to cook. The other day I made a broccoli and chicken cassarole and the other day I made some pigs in a blanket. It was tres yummy! I've also been trying to deal with my no-cableness. I decided to take a piece of floral wire and put it in the antenna socket thingy and now I get 3 or 4 more channels! YAY!!! I'm getting really excited about my big trip too. I'm leaving in a little under 2 weeks and I can't wait! I made little packets of stuff for the next trip planning meeting. (I know! I'm a HUGE dork!) Well, i'm gonna go feed my sugarglider and read my book before I trot off to bed! Have a good one ya'll!
*rips off scalp* Here ya go!
yea, you are pretty awesome. but the fact that you know it could be problematic