Updated My profile, I and My ego realizeed I was short changing Myslef a year sober, and I SO cannot deal with that!
Doing a convention in Burbank for the next three days starting today, film posters and stuff, hope to make mega $$$$ because Jenni & I are spending WAY to much $$$!!! Fucking turtle pong filters and pumps, a new Chinchilla cage, car repairs, Koi fish, another turtle, a Hedgehog is on the way. I was never cut out to be a zoo keeper, but lookit Me!!!
Getting really active on ebay again, sold some three grand worth of posters in the last week, and have more listed and to list! My seller name be mohollywood, look me up! Buy My shit! NOW!!! I have mouths, furry little mouths to feed!!!! Oy!!!!
So psyched to be going to both Greenbay and Vegas this year for both big rockabilly events, now if We can afford to have a good time while We are there, that will be a miracle!!!

Doing a convention in Burbank for the next three days starting today, film posters and stuff, hope to make mega $$$$ because Jenni & I are spending WAY to much $$$!!! Fucking turtle pong filters and pumps, a new Chinchilla cage, car repairs, Koi fish, another turtle, a Hedgehog is on the way. I was never cut out to be a zoo keeper, but lookit Me!!!
Getting really active on ebay again, sold some three grand worth of posters in the last week, and have more listed and to list! My seller name be mohollywood, look me up! Buy My shit! NOW!!! I have mouths, furry little mouths to feed!!!! Oy!!!!

So psyched to be going to both Greenbay and Vegas this year for both big rockabilly events, now if We can afford to have a good time while We are there, that will be a miracle!!!

thanks for checkin out my set!!
I came across you in the 50's hair and dress group, thought you looked like someone interesting. Nice to see you have managed to maintain who you are into your 30's without getting old & boring. And you have a super cute girlfriend too! Lucky you!!