tomorrow is the day i promise to start forcing myself. there wont be so much forcing as there will be suggesting, that is, if i knew what was good for me i would take my own suggestions. the clothes on the hangers wont hang inside out and all the dishes in my sinks will shine clean, or so i think because as static as it all may seem this is not where i will stay and these goals are not the real goals. its only come recently to me that im not stuck here, i get to leave when i am done. so tomorrow ill start stitching things up. scary is the fun.
More Blogs
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
if only i could explain myself in its ever boring detail, to the poin… -
Friday Dec 24, 2004
spending the evening hiding behind a christmas tree that is hiding be… -
Thursday Dec 23, 2004
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Friday Dec 03, 2004
i like catching things from people. complexes or phobias. i caught a … -
Wednesday Dec 01, 2004
think about majorities and then about me. think optimistically and th… -
Sunday Nov 28, 2004
its either sunshine and daisies or up shredding meat at dawn. an ent… -
Saturday Nov 27, 2004
the american mall scene. cottons and candy. shopping is the antiactiv… -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2004
i broke a heel, ran my nylons, chipped a nail, lost an earring, cried… -
Sunday Nov 21, 2004
the line connecting the fake bullet holes and a mailbox, it spits up … -
Saturday Nov 20, 2004
smile at the people, it makes them feeler.
Naw, I don't think I need a call. I'm doing quite better. And, I even did the dishes. But I too, need to work on laundry, and clutter.... and cleaning up Aradia's messes....