Ok....here's Mere's next philosophy in life...... hehehehe.
I've been doing some research into copyright and contracts. It's an intense process but one that I need to get damn good at. Anyway, I've realized that in this process, I need to keep a contract in my heart and mind. Sounds kind of intense and cold but how can I keep functioning with people (relationships, friendships, etc.) if I don't have a set of criteria in which I hold myself to? Basically, if I don't have a set of criteria, ideas and a bar to raise my standard of living up to, people basically just walk on me. Not cool! Being nice only gets you so far. Not that I don't want to be nice because I love being nice. However, nice doesn't keep you from being walked on or treated poorly. Let's face it, assholes don't care how nice you are. However, if I have my contract in my head and heart of what I expect, then at least I have a game plan to begin with or work around. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some puddle of mush that people just smoosh all the time but I love to give and help out and make people feel good...it's a mom, teacher, artsy thingy..... but there comes a time when there has to be give and take. I can't give all of myself away!
I am awake, awake, awake........
I'm a little sleepy but mostly full of zip. Periodically I jump up and dance around my living room. I'm so glad I don't live in an apartment.
"Geez let's call the cops. It's that 30yr old dancer weirdo dancing around at midnight again."

I've been doing some research into copyright and contracts. It's an intense process but one that I need to get damn good at. Anyway, I've realized that in this process, I need to keep a contract in my heart and mind. Sounds kind of intense and cold but how can I keep functioning with people (relationships, friendships, etc.) if I don't have a set of criteria in which I hold myself to? Basically, if I don't have a set of criteria, ideas and a bar to raise my standard of living up to, people basically just walk on me. Not cool! Being nice only gets you so far. Not that I don't want to be nice because I love being nice. However, nice doesn't keep you from being walked on or treated poorly. Let's face it, assholes don't care how nice you are. However, if I have my contract in my head and heart of what I expect, then at least I have a game plan to begin with or work around. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some puddle of mush that people just smoosh all the time but I love to give and help out and make people feel good...it's a mom, teacher, artsy thingy..... but there comes a time when there has to be give and take. I can't give all of myself away!
I am awake, awake, awake........
I'm a little sleepy but mostly full of zip. Periodically I jump up and dance around my living room. I'm so glad I don't live in an apartment.

"Geez let's call the cops. It's that 30yr old dancer weirdo dancing around at midnight again."

I've done it before. It's very painful to come back from.
I adore dancing. It's the thing that makes me happiest. I'm not a dancer though. I'd love to live next to a dancer who danced around spontaneously. It would make me feel more alive.
I'm in Bali now, I'm going to post u some nice pics from our house: it's fantastic! we r working hard, but we have our pleasures to counterbalance.. and soon i'll get some gigs at local best disco-bar!