The only time I really think about being short (5'2") is when I buy pants. To every pair I purchase I have to add approx. $10-12 to have them shortened. It's not really that much of a pain in the ass, but it would be nice to buy a pair of pants and be able to wear them the next day. As it is I now have to wait a week before I can wear the four pairs of pants I purchased for the new school year. At least I don't have to have my ties shortened.
On a different topic: Today was a very good day. My students brought in an object for "Show and (Symbolism) Tell that built off of yesterday's lecture/discussion of the different kinds of symbols. It helped them to further think about how symbols can have many different levels of meaning, and it also helped me to get to know them a little bit better. I think they're starting to be less terrified of me.

And I'm 5'2 as well! Probably not as hard for me as it is for you, because I just bought giant shoes to prevent me from having to get everything hemmed!