I'm not sure if I even know how to blog anymore.
Who knows if people even pay attention. Seems to me like a lot of people have adapted a short attention span with written word. Nonetheless, because I have a lack of anything better to say today, here's the top 10 things I'm looking forward to for 2009! (in no particular order)
1. Going to Maui for 10 days!
2. Flying to Illinois for my collaborative back piece by Carson Hill and Guy Aitchison. However, getting tattooed two full days by two people at once, I'm sure is going to be err.... unpleasant.
3. Going to Canyon Ranch with mama for some good old wellness and life rejuvenation.
4. Buying a house.
5. Reading a shit load of books.
6. Losing weight.... again.... hopefully.
7. Getting a bike, just a regular old bike to hit the trails around here.
8. Doing more freelance makeup projects and getting a website up and running for myself.
9. Lots of personal exploration and hopefully increased overall wellness.
10. Learning to make sushi!
Who knows if people even pay attention. Seems to me like a lot of people have adapted a short attention span with written word. Nonetheless, because I have a lack of anything better to say today, here's the top 10 things I'm looking forward to for 2009! (in no particular order)
1. Going to Maui for 10 days!
2. Flying to Illinois for my collaborative back piece by Carson Hill and Guy Aitchison. However, getting tattooed two full days by two people at once, I'm sure is going to be err.... unpleasant.
3. Going to Canyon Ranch with mama for some good old wellness and life rejuvenation.
4. Buying a house.
5. Reading a shit load of books.
6. Losing weight.... again.... hopefully.
7. Getting a bike, just a regular old bike to hit the trails around here.
8. Doing more freelance makeup projects and getting a website up and running for myself.
9. Lots of personal exploration and hopefully increased overall wellness.
10. Learning to make sushi!

welcome back

It is good to see you here again, my friend. I concur with Morgan; come down here to the ATL for a spell.