the bitch i've had to put up with at work for 2 years has finally quit! she was the nastiest, most vindictive, 2 faced woman i've ever met. all my efforts of being nasty and childish back have paid off think god. couldnt have lasted much longer. i cant get this grin off my face. hope she rots
and i get a pay rise from...
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it snowed last night. i've decided i dont like snow this week. its not even winter yet.
another girl quit work this week cos of the evil witch that is eve. this is the 5th person to have quit because of her. its sad to the fact that its my dads business...and hes even scared of her. grr shes a bitch.
going to a party...
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another girl quit work this week cos of the evil witch that is eve. this is the 5th person to have quit because of her. its sad to the fact that its my dads business...and hes even scared of her. grr shes a bitch.
going to a party...
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you're like a red herring ad.
or is that the intention?
or is that the intention?
haha i didnt even realise....but u can guess where i got them from now....
ruth came down on friday for ali's birthday and to see strung out. ali's b'day was fun, except at the end when her lip piercing fell out and she had to go home
we had sandwiches and choccie crackles. Strung out were pretty good. the frontman sweated like nothing else. he was worse than pat rafter. ruth and i were hanging out the window waving...
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he sweated more than anyone else i've ever seen
it made him the most unattractive man i've encountered. ick
i think everyone was sweatty that night
i got covered in everyone elses sweat
it made him the most unattractive man i've encountered. ick
i think everyone was sweatty that night
i got covered in everyone elses sweat
i've had too much chocolate and beer. I feel like a slob
happy easter

happy easter

Today is 50% off easter eggs day. Even better

mmm chocolate and beer
finally organising my trip to the gold coast. there's so much to organise. i know nothing about qld, apart from the serious sunburn i'm in for and steve irwin. might even visit him while i'm abroard. i can't wait. hopefully there won't be too many little kiddies running around in their floaties, screaming and carrying if! next it'll be bali for sure
we have...
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we have...
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took my boy skydiving today for his belated birthday present. i piked. arrived on time but were delayed by two hours. it was crap, but watching the other couples jumping eased my nerves more. i think i was more nervous than him, and i wasnt even jumping. it was a great thing to watch. cant imagin how it would've felt. he couldnt get the smile...
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there was a man on a park bench outside work today not moving. the cops came and shook him. no movement. the medics came. and still no movement. i was telling all the staring customers he was dead to make them feel bad. which i also believed. turns out he was just drunk and passed out. is it bad that i got excited over a...
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yep it is, you nasty girl, but I like you anyway, so fuck it!!
Mel Brooks once said 'Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open
sewer and die.'
[Edited on Feb 12, 2005 12:30AM]
Mel Brooks once said 'Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open
sewer and die.'
[Edited on Feb 12, 2005 12:30AM]
i love watching lightning. the thunder the past few days has been fantastic. the whole city got blacked out for and hour and a half this arvo. it was so quiet. creepy almost. our freezers defrosted at work so we had to mop up the mess and fix blown lightbulbs. wish we had more of them.
going on a picnic tomorrow if the storms stay...
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going on a picnic tomorrow if the storms stay...
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its hot. and windy. bet this is the only summer we get, and i've been stuck in work for it.
got my hair dyed again today. its finally not that ikky faded orange. it smells beautiful.
hopefully going fishing this weekend. third time lucky. everytime we try its blowing a gale.
went out on the weekend. it was shite. all my friends piked and it...
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got my hair dyed again today. its finally not that ikky faded orange. it smells beautiful.
hopefully going fishing this weekend. third time lucky. everytime we try its blowing a gale.
went out on the weekend. it was shite. all my friends piked and it...
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christmas has been and gone. it was actually a pretty bareable one this year. a whole two days of the family thing. got heaps of cool stuff this year, mostly vouchers thank god. i hate it when ppl think they know you and waste their money on something you will just throw out the next day. scored a tent, so looks like camping nye is...
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Yeh we get a fair few alright shows in Brisbane, but no where near the amount in Melbourne / Sydney.. I think we're both stuck at either ends just a bit too far away from the action
How was your nye? End up going camping? I didn't go out for a change and held a party with mates at the house we're renting.. didn't turn out too bad.
Strung out sounds alright

How was your nye? End up going camping? I didn't go out for a change and held a party with mates at the house we're renting.. didn't turn out too bad.
Strung out sounds alright

That's no good about your mates being away
the party was alright, had a cocktail night kinda thing.. got stuck with a lot of leftover Gin
And yeh I guess having too many bands would take away from the shows.. the fewer there are the more you look forward to them. I think I'm going to Byron towards the end of January for Terror and some other bands..
Turn 21 on Sat
Happy New Years to you too

And yeh I guess having too many bands would take away from the shows.. the fewer there are the more you look forward to them. I think I'm going to Byron towards the end of January for Terror and some other bands..
Turn 21 on Sat

I just watched Mean Girls and ate too much wizz fizz....Im gunna spew

Hey there, I missed the gig here in Brisbane
Went past and I didn't even realise.. Not real happy about that
Been to a bunch of other gigs though, I Killed The Prom Queen a few times and Parkway Drive + some others.. plenty to keep me busy
Terror gig coming up in Jan, heading to Byron for that..

Been to a bunch of other gigs though, I Killed The Prom Queen a few times and Parkway Drive + some others.. plenty to keep me busy

Terror gig coming up in Jan, heading to Byron for that..
its really weird how popular parkway drive have become and same with I killed the prom queen. alot of their fans have just come out of the woodwork though and are mostly tupperwear metal.
The weather has been so nice this weekend! Finally god damn it.
Steven and I went fishing in a dingy yesterday. We kept drifting cos we didnt have an anchor. My head and my feet got sunburnt. Feet are the last thing I think of when slip, slop, slapping. And I look daggy in a hat. Didnt catch anything of course. Except for seaweed. It...
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Steven and I went fishing in a dingy yesterday. We kept drifting cos we didnt have an anchor. My head and my feet got sunburnt. Feet are the last thing I think of when slip, slop, slapping. And I look daggy in a hat. Didnt catch anything of course. Except for seaweed. It...
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Nice birthday present, yes? The demise of your enemy! Woohoo!
[Edited on Aug 06, 2005 2:58AM]