I'm feeling all whiny and sad-sack even though I have absolutely no reason to. I have two weeks off before I start work, I'm going to NYC this weekend, the boy surprised me not long ago with a random road trip to a concert. I honestly think I'm still suffering the after-effects of the bar exam. I still feel sort of tense and anxious and my insomnia has returned with a vengeance. I'm in that state where I have very few things to do - clean the apartment, do laundry, go to the post office - yet everything feels like a monumental task that is difficult to accomplish. Perhaps part of it is transition - even though I'm staying in the same apartment, the shift from school to full-time work is going to be an adjustment. I love being a student. I love seeing my friends everyday. But now some friends are moving far away (such as to the Virgin Islands). And, no matter how much of an effort we all make to stay in touch, it is inevitable that time slips away and people grow apart when that daily routine of sameness is no longer there. I've gone through this same transition at least three times before and I always make new friends and end up happy wherever I am. And the people most important to me have always stayed in my life, for which I am extremely thankful. But it's still sad.
Or maybe I'm depressed because the Red Sox suck all of a sudden. (And I swear to god, if you make some "they suck ALL OF A SUDDEN?" remark, I will kick you in the balls. You know who you are).
Or maybe I'm depressed because the Red Sox suck all of a sudden. (And I swear to god, if you make some "they suck ALL OF A SUDDEN?" remark, I will kick you in the balls. You know who you are).

Have a good time in NYC. The vacation will do you good.

So glad I got to meet you!