10,000 words to write, 6 days. I'm boned. Luckily, my boyfriend had the foresight to bring hot chocolate home with him so I can stay up late for the rest of the week.
I hate that I leave everything to the last minute but on the upside it means I work exceedingly well under pressure. I haven't cracked yet!
Wish me luck ladies and manly-folk.
I hate that I leave everything to the last minute but on the upside it means I work exceedingly well under pressure. I haven't cracked yet!

Wish me luck ladies and manly-folk.
i've been doing good, thanks - easter went with my girlfriend to stockholm for five days which was fab. were meant to go at christmas but the snow jiggered that up
then i helped her MOVE from glasgow to edinburgh. we've been commuting back and forth for the last year (one year anniversary this sunday) and even before that, and just got to a point where we both said 'yeah, enough of this' - so we're really close now, and that's fab. life's good
and pancakes are all the better when your other half brings them to you in BED and THEN you snuggle and go back to sleep. . . ahhh
gotta go vote - hope you're doing alright