New profile pic comes courtesy of the AMAZING weekend I had. My friend and I went for a pampering/photo session in London. Two and a half hour coach journey and a 5am start on the Saturday but it was so, so, so worth it! I'm such a lucky (and grateful) moo.
Last night we went for a night out at the union. You know it's a rare occurrence when the security guys start joking about how we're only allowed in for quiz and the cloakroom we run. So yeah, weekend of being prettified and dancing the night away.
And today, rounding things off with a major essay splurge. Victorian purity pledges, anyone?

Last night we went for a night out at the union. You know it's a rare occurrence when the security guys start joking about how we're only allowed in for quiz and the cloakroom we run. So yeah, weekend of being prettified and dancing the night away.
And today, rounding things off with a major essay splurge. Victorian purity pledges, anyone?

Love the pic!
cute pic