Party updates!
I told you they would come sooner or later... Or did I? Whatever. It was such a wicked night. Observe Rogue and her sexy lady Gambit. Also, special mention has to go to the Pink Power Ranger who had her helmet stolen by some random drunk bitch. Rogue, Mr Ben, Aladdin and said Power Ranger tried to pursue the thief but alas, we found it too funny that our lynch mob was so awesome. I may still be a little drunk... As a result some of these pics are a wee blurry. Oh well.
Enjoy laughing at us some.
I told you they would come sooner or later... Or did I? Whatever. It was such a wicked night. Observe Rogue and her sexy lady Gambit. Also, special mention has to go to the Pink Power Ranger who had her helmet stolen by some random drunk bitch. Rogue, Mr Ben, Aladdin and said Power Ranger tried to pursue the thief but alas, we found it too funny that our lynch mob was so awesome. I may still be a little drunk... As a result some of these pics are a wee blurry. Oh well.
Enjoy laughing at us some.
In other news, ex boyfriends can be bastards. Especially when they don't mean to be. Also, nice housemates have moved out so now it's just me and the judgemental ones until Wednesday. Fun times. But you know what? I don't care. I have Heroes and the Wall:E soundtrack.
I aced the interview.