Floating on.............blah, blah, blah
i miss lolo.........he is having fun in cedar point
emily is going to move with her beau in july
dan and his new girlfriend have an evil plot against me
anthony thinks only with his penis and i thought he was a nice guy who liked me for me....
work sucks gigantic furious smelly balls
my friend Bre and her beau...
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i miss lolo.........he is having fun in cedar point
emily is going to move with her beau in july
dan and his new girlfriend have an evil plot against me
anthony thinks only with his penis and i thought he was a nice guy who liked me for me....
work sucks gigantic furious smelly balls
my friend Bre and her beau...
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Hey all~
Its been a while . Sorry I have been in hermit mode all week. Life for me has just been crazy. Weird things keep happening. I feel like my body is dying each day. My migraines are back practically everyday. Each day I wake up nauseous and my head pounding. I am wondering if my condition is getting worse. I don't want to...
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Its been a while . Sorry I have been in hermit mode all week. Life for me has just been crazy. Weird things keep happening. I feel like my body is dying each day. My migraines are back practically everyday. Each day I wake up nauseous and my head pounding. I am wondering if my condition is getting worse. I don't want to...
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I, myself have been getting migraines again after a long period of not having them. They are rampant in my family.
I suppose you can't runaway from yer probs, but being in a beautiful place with people who actually care CAN make a big difference. Vicodin works well , too
I really hope you work this crap out and continue being the happy, healthy, and beautiful person you are
I suppose you can't runaway from yer probs, but being in a beautiful place with people who actually care CAN make a big difference. Vicodin works well , too

I really hope you work this crap out and continue being the happy, healthy, and beautiful person you are

ah aneurism suck
blah...........just another ordinary day........
Why I feel crappy
a). I am still sick
b). I hate my job
c.) I hate my ex
d.) Girls can be evil
e). I miss my family
f.) I want the warm weather to come back!
g). I need to get laid....... i'll give you some candy!
h). The cable guy didn't show up to install my tv
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Why I feel crappy
a). I am still sick
b). I hate my job
c.) I hate my ex
d.) Girls can be evil
e). I miss my family
f.) I want the warm weather to come back!
g). I need to get laid....... i'll give you some candy!
h). The cable guy didn't show up to install my tv
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HEY! Call me tomorrw please...I need directions

i heart you deary!

I wish I could take you into my arms
away from it all , to keep you away from harm
to kiss you tenderly and whisper a thousand i love you's
to spending every moment dedicated to making you happy all of my life through
give me just another chance to make things right
i promise i will never hurt you and will never leave...
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away from it all , to keep you away from harm
to kiss you tenderly and whisper a thousand i love you's
to spending every moment dedicated to making you happy all of my life through
give me just another chance to make things right
i promise i will never hurt you and will never leave...
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If I got you into my arms, just once, I would squeeze you till you burst! And then lovingly pick up all your little pieces and glue you back together with my love
Ur so sweet.....be my pet

Ur so sweet.....be my pet

*hugs back*
thank you.
thank you.

How was everyones weekend? Mine was ok. Worked all weekend. Went to see a band play last night. Guess who I saw there? My ex with his new girlfriend even though he claimed that they broke up. That boy confuses me beyond belief.. One minute your touchy feely with me and then you go back to her. F*ck you!!!!!!!!!!! But lately I have contained...
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How was everyones weekend? Mine was ok. Worked all weekend. Went to see a band play last night. Guess who I saw there? My ex with his new girlfriend even though he claimed that they broke up. That boy confuses me beyond belief.. One minute your touchy feely with me and then you go back to her. F*ck you!!!!!!!!!!! But lately I have contained...
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I so tried to leave you a happy b-day comment, but the computer's internet was running so slow. It sucked. Anyway, it must have been killed by your beauty. wow. that is powerful. lol. Hope you had a great b-day.
Hey sweetie,
Sorry I've been hiding...been kinda dealing with some things etc.....
You are such a sweet little thing, and deserve some real genuine romance....just be patient, I'm sure there's a Romeo waiting for you somewhere along the path of your life that will make you forget anyone else ever existed
Sorry I've been hiding...been kinda dealing with some things etc.....
You are such a sweet little thing, and deserve some real genuine romance....just be patient, I'm sure there's a Romeo waiting for you somewhere along the path of your life that will make you forget anyone else ever existed

Hey everyone!
Thanks for the love! You all are awesome. Birthday was good. Had a good time. Even though I thought I had food poisoning by the end of the evening. haha.......but oh well.. My friend Jess got me a napoleon dynamite t shirt and a I love tater tots wristband! Em got me some cool cds! I got flowers from a sweet boy. I...
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Thanks for the love! You all are awesome. Birthday was good. Had a good time. Even though I thought I had food poisoning by the end of the evening. haha.......but oh well.. My friend Jess got me a napoleon dynamite t shirt and a I love tater tots wristband! Em got me some cool cds! I got flowers from a sweet boy. I...
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HEY!!!!!!!!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I am wrapped up with work and just trying to keep busy. It keeps me out of trouble! I swear I am ready to quit my job. I can't stand the way people gossip about one another. Especially one who specializes in sales who is suppose to have great customer service skills. She is a crazy ,...
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so you made cupcakes for your own birthday? i bet they were nummy! have a happy birthday dollface!!!!!!
hi, you don't know me but...
happy birthday!!!
happy birthday!!!

How are all of you beautiful people doing today? I am doing awesome. Its finally april and of course its raining. You can hear the wind tapping on my window. Work is still stressful but I am not pulling my hair out yet!
Do you guys believe that everything happens for a reason? Lately my life has drastically changed. I guess its all a...
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How are all of you beautiful people doing today? I am doing awesome. Its finally april and of course its raining. You can hear the wind tapping on my window. Work is still stressful but I am not pulling my hair out yet!

Do you guys believe that everything happens for a reason? Lately my life has drastically changed. I guess its all a...
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*breath* Geeze, Did he really look like Napoleon Dynamite, GOSH!?
Hey, what do you want for your birthday?????

Hello all~
Haha first and foremost I don't know what got into me yesterday. haha Just had an urge to write about sex.
But anyways! Update on my little Romeo.. Took him to the vet today. He is doing much better he weighs 4 lbs now. He eats like its his job. It was a beautiful day so we went on a lovely walk. It...
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Haha first and foremost I don't know what got into me yesterday. haha Just had an urge to write about sex.
But anyways! Update on my little Romeo.. Took him to the vet today. He is doing much better he weighs 4 lbs now. He eats like its his job. It was a beautiful day so we went on a lovely walk. It...
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Obviously a very good salesman.

sweat dripping down our backs
hearing the sound of our bodies go smack
climaxing till the top
please keep going i am almost there dont stop
moaning in pain for you to go deeper
the sounds that you make make me come quicker
spank me harder, and bite me please
bend me over your knees
kiss my nipples and tickle my pussy with your tongue...
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hearing the sound of our bodies go smack
climaxing till the top
please keep going i am almost there dont stop
moaning in pain for you to go deeper
the sounds that you make make me come quicker
spank me harder, and bite me please
bend me over your knees
kiss my nipples and tickle my pussy with your tongue...
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ohohohoooooh...my my my, lawdy girl....I'm quivering here
.....if you bite me I'll bite you back....mmmm, yes, you're more than enough baby....

I came over to see how you were doing ... and I feel like I walked in on something, ummm, private ... but delightful ... I want to look away, but I can't.
Blows you a
and runs back out!

Blows you a

i know you far to well
i know whats in your heart this i can tell
you can try and try to keep pushing me away
but deep down inside i know you want me to stay
how can you mistake the memories we had
the times i made you happy and the times when i felt glad
over its over the words replay back...
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oh lord i know how much love hurts. don't you wish you could just stop caring about everything sometimes? if it's that easy for them it should be that easy for us right?
You are so cute baby!
So this is what went down last night..............from mistertaurus journal to mine
this is logan talking
"Tonight Emily, Melissa, Jessica and I all went out. We decided we were going to go to Brandy's since on of Melissa and Emily's co-workers was there. We walked in, I saw who it was, and realized that it was one of the guys that used to give me...
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this is logan talking
"Tonight Emily, Melissa, Jessica and I all went out. We decided we were going to go to Brandy's since on of Melissa and Emily's co-workers was there. We walked in, I saw who it was, and realized that it was one of the guys that used to give me...
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i was gonna read this journal , but it looked like too much work
hope u had a good easter'n all that though

hope u had a good easter'n all that though

Ahhh, you should just quit working and come let me take care of you

Hooray for potty training and pre-school!!