Well, my weekend was a bit dull. A bunch of my friends went to NYC for three days and stayed in a hotel there partying, shopping, visiting friends and whatnot. I couldn't afford to go
I was tempted to go to Boston and visit the lovely Isobela, but I needed to work and save my money! I did all the things that one does...
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I hate to update, since I know you all loved the Social D pics
So, the past two weeks pretty much went by in a haze of booze and sleepless nights (due to work). Not that I don't care, but I'm purposely omitting my feelings about the results of our presidential election (seeIsobela's journal to get an idea of how I feel). I...
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So, the past two weeks pretty much went by in a haze of booze and sleepless nights (due to work). Not that I don't care, but I'm purposely omitting my feelings about the results of our presidential election (seeIsobela's journal to get an idea of how I feel). I...
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Interesting timing...I found your pics you sent me the other day, they made me all wishing I still friendlied with you.
Lets get togethor.
Lets get togethor.
i dont understand why you feel stupid. did i say something mean?
urgh. my phone is dead otherwise i'd call you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
urgh. my phone is dead otherwise i'd call you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-I finished the feminist magazine. Thanks to all the smart ladies that contributed. The critique went even better then I had expected.
I made a 2 min stop animation piece about the Herman Hesse novel Narcissus and Goldmund. It took almost 2,000 images! I know nothing about animation, but I think it's going to be a new obsession. As amaturish as it looks I really...
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I made a 2 min stop animation piece about the Herman Hesse novel Narcissus and Goldmund. It took almost 2,000 images! I know nothing about animation, but I think it's going to be a new obsession. As amaturish as it looks I really...
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i was gonna check out the heat show just as an excuse to go and dance, but a friend from philly came up to visit and he isn't as fond of going to shows as he was when we were 17.
i'm maaaaaaaaaariiiiiiiiiiiiiiied!
If you have not yet seen the film Dead Man, do so.
Okay, Ive been avoiding updating this because Ive been all angsty and frustrated lately.
Last night in class my teacher told us about how she was sexually harassed that morning on the way to get coffee. When she didnt respond to their slurping noises they all started calling her a bitch. Well, class...
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Okay, Ive been avoiding updating this because Ive been all angsty and frustrated lately.
Last night in class my teacher told us about how she was sexually harassed that morning on the way to get coffee. When she didnt respond to their slurping noises they all started calling her a bitch. Well, class...
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sure its clich, but you can chalk it up to immaturity.
perhaps you should hang out with some older folk
perhaps you should hang out with some older folk

scumbags. sometimes i really hate people.
anyway, yeah, that was me. i totally remember you. *waves* hi
anyway, yeah, that was me. i totally remember you. *waves* hi

Well, I know that some of you dont believe that I am actually leaving, but it is true. Come Monday I am dust. My workload this semester has been insane, so I had to quit my job. I just cant justify spending the money when I hardly have any in the bank. Also, as you may have noticed, SG can be rather addictive. It is...
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um, you are so welcome.
-you're still here... 

Do you know what its like to have your bleeding heart hanging on a wall somewhere? I didnt sell it. I didnt give it away. I certainly made my wishes clear that it was never to be displayed. Now a 3x4 foot testament to my adolescent self-loathing is hanging in a $500 dollar frame. I wish I could burn my past out of existence, now...
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Whatever, you are never leaving...
A parting gift
As you can tell, I like long drawn out goodbyes.
So, I went to Artist Ball last night. The DJs were Grand Master Flash and the DJ from Cyprus Hill. I thought they would actually be mixing, but they were just spinning hip-hop. The music was good, but I could have listened to Billy Jean and The Humpty Hump in the privacy...
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As you can tell, I like long drawn out goodbyes.
So, I went to Artist Ball last night. The DJs were Grand Master Flash and the DJ from Cyprus Hill. I thought they would actually be mixing, but they were just spinning hip-hop. The music was good, but I could have listened to Billy Jean and The Humpty Hump in the privacy...
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you could eat steve bucsemi with a spoon, huh?
...before or after they threw him in the woodchipper in fargo?
steve bucsemi rocks my socks off too. have you realized that the coen brothers kill him off in pretty much all of their movies.... and each time his remains seem to get smaller and smaller. wierd shit.
...before or after they threw him in the woodchipper in fargo?

steve bucsemi rocks my socks off too. have you realized that the coen brothers kill him off in pretty much all of their movies.... and each time his remains seem to get smaller and smaller. wierd shit.
hey, i decided not to hook up with that girl. i'm not about ready to lose a friend over it. oh and............damn you for seeing Tiger Army!! hehehe j/k. glad someone could see me though!
This weekend was uneventful, yet lovely. Saw the Turbo ACs on Saturday. This is the second time Ive seen them play their hearts out in a nearly empty club. The show was great, but I think I must have been giving off major bitch vibes. No one even spoke to me. It was kind of awkward because the club was so empty.
A close friend...
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A close friend...
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dude... nice nice profile pic.. .and abbot and Costello are really f'ing rad... hook up my friendster, I sent you the info.. Friendster friend 

Sorry I couldn't make the RISD show but I was at East Greenwich around the time that was going on. Half-Naked art chicks sounded awesome, just as long as they didn't try to shave my chest hair into some sort of self portrait if we got in the sack. lol.
Wow, I'm drunk from sleep deprivation.
Wow, I'm drunk from sleep deprivation.
I have a game I play with myself. Its called drunken scavenger hunt. When I come home in the wee hours of the morning drunk off my ass I put things away in clever little places, all the while thinking what a good place to put that. Wonder why I never thought to put it there before. As you can probably guess, when I wake...
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I agree, manson sucks.
Not quite ready for spikes yet. But I'm waiting with camera in hand.
I swear I must have stepped in a great big puddle of good karma somewhere along the way.
Ive been offered a freelance job that will pay me three times what I made all summer (not that that says all that much)! I think I may be getting in over my head, but I cant afford to say no. This also means that I wont...
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Ive been offered a freelance job that will pay me three times what I made all summer (not that that says all that much)! I think I may be getting in over my head, but I cant afford to say no. This also means that I wont...
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my ex got me a polariod camera, we used it to photo various sexual feats....those pics are online still hahaha....
Dustin Hoffman is cool....my greatest meet was Rob Halford....(judas priest) he was a decent enough guy....me and an ex friend did a photoshoot for him in London....
Dustin Hoffman is cool....my greatest meet was Rob Halford....(judas priest) he was a decent enough guy....me and an ex friend did a photoshoot for him in London....
dude.. women using polaroid cameras with pleasure?!?!?
WOAH! thats like ..um .. dirty and stuff.
Yea its kind of wierd how ads in the 50's for cameras were totally directed towards women and how easy cameras were to use.. it was just dumb and chauvinistic... COngrats on the freelance thing yo!ope that works out... dont leave without giving me yo email!
also, did you take part in some of the Tomato Book Workshops that was happening last week or so?

Yea its kind of wierd how ads in the 50's for cameras were totally directed towards women and how easy cameras were to use.. it was just dumb and chauvinistic... COngrats on the freelance thing yo!ope that works out... dont leave without giving me yo email!
also, did you take part in some of the Tomato Book Workshops that was happening last week or so?
it was about 65 here this week
i had the windows down
and a t-shirt on
Friday i gotta dress up though
cause i have an interview for a PR job at the New Orleans Museum of Art
which will be sweet
no doubt
what should i do to impress the arty types