Finally got a hamster (pic #36). I was having committal issues. Sad, I know. Anyhow, shes one of those little black ones that look like a bear and are, for some undisclosed reason, twice as expensive as the other hamsters. She is adorable in a badass punk rock sort of way. At the moment she is going by Lady or Ramona / Mona. If you have any suggestions as to what we should call her, let me know. I wanted to get her a rad cage with nifty playthings, but then I got cheap.
For two girls living in a building that prohibits all pets other than fish, we sure have quite a spread: one rabbit (Mincus), an anole (Mr. Miagi), My little hamster and to top it all off, my roommate brought back 11 caterpillars she harvested off of some dill plants. They eat like mad. Eventually they will be black butterflies (pic #38-39). Im not sure when she is planning on releasing them, but they sure do smell, and they get bigger every time I look at them.
We are a couple of nerds
::Adjusts glasses and wipes nose on back of hand ::
This is an all-new low, but hey; Im paid to be here.
For two girls living in a building that prohibits all pets other than fish, we sure have quite a spread: one rabbit (Mincus), an anole (Mr. Miagi), My little hamster and to top it all off, my roommate brought back 11 caterpillars she harvested off of some dill plants. They eat like mad. Eventually they will be black butterflies (pic #38-39). Im not sure when she is planning on releasing them, but they sure do smell, and they get bigger every time I look at them.
We are a couple of nerds
::Adjusts glasses and wipes nose on back of hand ::
This is an all-new low, but hey; Im paid to be here.

I like that shot of her, it looks like she's trying to hide her laughter/snicker behind her paw...what criminal activies has she done?
All little and fluffy.
Did you name it yet?