I love this planet, and I'm so sad that we aren't protecting and preserving all the beauty it has to offer.
Awesome things to do:
Recycle everything possible. Compost. Don't buy stuff with a bunch of unnecessary packaging. Make it your goal to only have to put the garbage can out once a month, but the recycling bin or can out every week.
Plant some trees native to your area. Seriously, you can find some nice cheap trees that are fairly hearty, and then you can tell CO2 emissions to f-off!
Solar voltaic cells=brilliant. (hehehehe I made a joke).
Buy local! It reduces the impact of transporting goods all over the place, plus it keeps money in your community, boosting the economy.
Raise chickens or grow a veggie garden.
It takes a shit ton of water and energy to raise a kilogram of grain-fed beef. Why not just eat the grain instead?
Only buy energy conserving appliances (a modern fridge uses the same amount of energy as an 80 watt lightbulb).
Support alternative fuel cars. Fuck petrol.
Awesome things to do:
Recycle everything possible. Compost. Don't buy stuff with a bunch of unnecessary packaging. Make it your goal to only have to put the garbage can out once a month, but the recycling bin or can out every week.
Plant some trees native to your area. Seriously, you can find some nice cheap trees that are fairly hearty, and then you can tell CO2 emissions to f-off!
Solar voltaic cells=brilliant. (hehehehe I made a joke).
Buy local! It reduces the impact of transporting goods all over the place, plus it keeps money in your community, boosting the economy.
Raise chickens or grow a veggie garden.
It takes a shit ton of water and energy to raise a kilogram of grain-fed beef. Why not just eat the grain instead?
Only buy energy conserving appliances (a modern fridge uses the same amount of energy as an 80 watt lightbulb).
Support alternative fuel cars. Fuck petrol.
Do you have any tips on where to acquire trees cheaply?