CITIZENS OF PORTLAND/SURROUNDING AREAS!!!!!!!!!!! Please read, and if you are interested, email my friend and Producer of Red Shadows, the Series, and tell him you're a friend of mine. We need at least 50 people, so if you can commit (seriously, yes or no, no maybes) I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see you there.
Kisses, Morgan
Red Shadows needs you to be your fabulous self for a club scene- whether
you're a bad dancer or a good one, dress up like you're hitting the hottest
club in town and come dance your way into the show:
August 24th, 2-7pm
@ The Leviton Light Room
In Tualatin, South of Tualatin-Sherwood Road down Teton Ave at Avery St. A
map? Oh, sure:
Of course, food and all-ages beverages are provided. Under 21ers are welcome
and encouraged.
RSVP so we know how many to expect to Hit that email
up there if you have any questions.
Thanks in advance- we're looking forward to seeing you there.
Kisses, Morgan
Red Shadows needs you to be your fabulous self for a club scene- whether
you're a bad dancer or a good one, dress up like you're hitting the hottest
club in town and come dance your way into the show:
August 24th, 2-7pm
@ The Leviton Light Room
In Tualatin, South of Tualatin-Sherwood Road down Teton Ave at Avery St. A
map? Oh, sure:
Of course, food and all-ages beverages are provided. Under 21ers are welcome
and encouraged.
RSVP so we know how many to expect to Hit that email
up there if you have any questions.
Thanks in advance- we're looking forward to seeing you there.
What's Red Shadow's?