He called me while I was getting gas and we started fighting on the phone. His response "after this I'm never calling you again I'm done with you"
Me: "why the fuck should I care! I was done with you in September!"
better news..
One month until I'm back in Boston, and... Read More
Today I didn't sleep hardly at all. I'm paying for it dearly at the moment.
I chopped my hair off, when I figure out how to style it I'll take better pictures. It's not the cut like I wanted it but I'll figure it out. Even if I have to cut some of it myself. It's cute. It's shorter than I normally go but I... Read More
yeah but after dealing with the cops we had sex for a few hours and i fucked her till she bled...so i kind of figured I took my fair share of reprisal out of her...
luck and fate and karma and destiny (etc.) are just made up things that people can use as a crutch when they don't want to accept that they put themselves into whatever shitty situation they are in. Its a refuge of the weak and the weak minded. No offense or anything.
I'm disgusted by the owners of my hotel for the moral belief that animal cruelty is wrong. The father, son and brother (it's a family owned company) just spent $150,000 to go hunt elephants and other big game in Africa for a week.
Other news.
I lost 4.2 lbs this week. Not bad if I say so myself.
I heard from the Toronto hotel they... Read More
plz dont watch the yotes then! i was wondering the same thing. thinking about turning off the game for 2nd prd to see what happens. ill stop watching if it means they win.
This morning was off to a rough start. My dad bangs on my door around 0615 throwing it open telling me that my mom passed out on the steps and Connor needed to get his pants changed.
I get dressed come down the steps and mom is sitting in the chair with signs of shock. She said she was walking up from the basement and... Read More
i thought i would have had to...but whilst I was gone, people showed up. now maybe i had a few friend requests out from like eons ago that just got responded to...but i find that idea far fetched at best (why would there be a sudden insurgence of people i requested so long ago that i forgot about it) because there's no reason for it to all happen at once while i was gone.
as it is, all but one so far has been relegated to a moosey doom.
I do love when people think their opinions should trump your own. I was told by "the guy at work" that I've let myself go. I need to start wearing my makeup again because I look so much prettier. Sorry I've been sick and since when the fuck do I go out of my way to impress you?
It's playoff time.. Let's go Bruins! I... Read More