I can't actually get over the fact it's September already.
Summer didn't seem to properly exist here in England. Sure, we had a few super hot days but they were muddled between muggy very cloudy days... We never got a TRUE summer. I feel incredibly pissed off about that.
I didn't even get to go to the beach properly... I had a holiday this year to Cyprus for 10 days but I never got the option to go to my local beach. Very sad... I even took a trip to a far away beach in Norfolk and it was so cold we stayed wrapped up majority of the time!
I suffer from S.A.D (seasonal affect disorder), so by the time it hits September I feel already in a panic about the days getting shorter and the constant cloudy English days ahead of me...
I remember when summer used to be about clear blue skies and hot sunny days... Often we could get a whole week at a time of HOT SUN. What happened!?...
I spend ALL WINTER looking forward to the summer only to this year feel incredibly cheated.
I try to focus on the good stuff in life and I'm the kind of person who appreciates all the little things life has to offer and often make good of a bad situation, but, I can't help but feel sad that this summer didn't seem to exist in it's true form.
I have a new set coming out finally in about 2 weeks time. It was shot last summer but I only got around to editing it this year. I hope you guys will enjoy it. I am thrilled that all my other sets have done so well. Thanks for taking the time to check them out.
In other news, I have been so incredibly busy... Running multi businesses, trying to earn enough money and having time for a life at the sametime is always a juggle...
Bigger blogs to come soon.