I can't wrap my head around why people got to act so spoiled. Lazy asses oughta mow a lawn. Talk to other people as if they're so much better, then get surprised when someone like me can get under their skin and shut em down real quick. Use excuses which are as good as assholes, everyone has one, they all stink and no one wants to hear them half the time. Good, it's time some people run across their clint eastwood moment and i'm more then happy to supply, apparently it's ruder to be honest and blunt. I haven't been inhibited for a long long time and I don't give a fuck myself. Not that i'm even referring to my own situations just generally and when i see it happen i wonder why other people take the emotional abuse. I think it's worse to be subtly snarky, nit picky at every detail of a person including the way they speak and all over retardily unopen to think they might have the wrong ideas because they can't stop the assumptions. Sit in your tower and isolate yourself then cuz that's what your doing and I don't want to hear it any longer when people don't like that I can tear down that ego front. I think people can be as nasty as they want, feel free. Have fun you have the choice to, just like i have the choice to tear you another one. Cry me a river lol.
and seriously, i wish they way of the gun could come back...i'd have a total snap and just bludgeon all the inane faux-important douches so hard they'd never walk again.