So, I'm considering going on a diet. I promised myself I'd give up fast food, which honestly is not a big accomplishment for me. I rarely feel the need to go through a drive through. It's sweets that are getting me at this point. I know full well giving them up entirely isn't going to happen, but I've got to do something, and regiments have...
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My mind is starting to race with ideas... This is how I know it's spring. I made it through another winter, a little bit more emotionally stable than the winter before, but less financially stable. Oh well.. Sacrifices have to be made for good mental health I guess. But now it's spring, and I have a chance to make next winter even better, by working...
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I got another job... Or rather, I got rehired at one of my old part time jobs. The point is, I now have two part time theatre jobs. I might actually get enough work to get by. I've got two more theatre positions I want to apply for, and then I'll start the balancing act...

Woo! It's time to get my life together.
Today felt like the first day off since I came home from college. I sat out in my fort, and ate pudding cups, while taking pictures of my cat, and dog.
It's been a long week. I was working a tribute band in the city for the past five days, and it was one of the rougher gigs I've worked in a while. I wasn't getting enough sleep, or food, and tension between the crews seemed to be worse than normal.

It was strange though. I saw all the tension rise, and I saw people getting...
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I made my bed out in the RV today, and stocked the cupboard with soup, and rice, coffee, and sugar. (what else do you need?) My grandmother gave me her old bunn coffee maker. The thing is ancient, but it's also the one that she used to use when I was a little girl trying not to wake up when her alarm went off at...
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I connected the propane tanks today, and ran gas through all the lines. I sprayed them all with soapy water, and didn't see any bubbles.

The bad news is that I couldn't get the heater or the stove to light. I've gotten the heater to light once before, but nothing today... So it looks like I might have to sit out there, and tinker with...
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Today I researched propane systems for the RV. I took some pictures of what it came with, and tomorrow I'm going to test the lines, and appliances to see if they work... I need a spray bottle, and some soap to do that.

I still need, at least one horizontal propane tank, and two would be best. That's going to run me four hundred dollars...
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It has been a while,but I am back. And paid up for a year! Woohoo!

What is new? Well... I am fixing up a thirty year old RV. I am thinking about living in it, and possibly going on a nice long road trip... I am not exactly sure where my life is taking me right now, but I can tell it is going to...
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I'd love an RV to go on a cool road trip with beers and a few friends!