It's Wednesday today. My Mom kept telling me it was Wednesday yesterday. Today hopefully, I'm printing t-shirts, and patches for the party this weekend. I'm supposed to get a mock up of our monthly zine done too, but I have no idea what to put in it. Shit balls! I'm such a horrible boss. I can't believe these people believe in me as much as...
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One of my friends texted me this morning, and said she was SO mad because she was "SO not up to date" on my life. I responed with "Honey I can hardly keep up with myself."

And it's true.

I have so much going on right now. I'm overwhelmed. I'm freelancing for work, which scares the shit out of me, because, what if it's not...
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I want to write about my awesome week, and all the fun I had working on this last show, but I can't find the words. I just feel bubbles of giddy joy gathering in my chest, and I can't wait to see what the Universe has in store for me next.
So on Sunday I got let go from my receptionist job. On Monday I got a union call, and somehow managed to have enough seniority to get on a spot call? I'm still not sure how that happened. The gist of the story is, that I made as much money in this week of theatre work as I would have in ALL of September at...
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Today was a day. I went and got my RV from the camp site finally, and parked it somewhere close enough that I can get to it, and work on it. It drove pretty good. It was the first time I drove it on the freeway, and the first time I had taken it over fourty five mph. That felt like one of those rare...
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surreal My car was stolen today. I hate the west side of the south sound. It's so poluted with shitty people. I'm starting to think that must be a sign of decay. The city is dying, and the people are desperate; uncontrolled; feral.

I've got to get out! I've got to make a living close to home, and help build a healthy comunity, before my city...
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I only go to Bremerton if I have to. skull
I'm really dreading going to work today. I'm tired of it already. I hate being fake, and I hate the fake people I work with. I want to work on my magazine, and sew things. Gods I wish I didn't have to rely on other people.
I got a text at one am asking me to come in to work early today... Then I got another one at ten am, saying nevermind, come in less early. I hate depending on other people. I can't wait for this little magazine project to turn into something I can afford to do full time.

It's all I can think about. I hardly focus at...
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I'm sitting at work today a little bored, waiting to get off so I can get out to my camp site for the weekend. It will be nice to be out there an evening earlier than everyone else. I'm going to curl up in my loft with a lantern and The Golden Compass. Its going to be a good night.
Sounds like a good night! I could go for that!

I could also go for a horror movie night!

I can be a bit overly dramatic when I'm angry. I learned it from Lou Pinella.

I forgave the boy, that forgot to call, and broke the phone. But he did kind of make it up to me, by writing out our entire business plan, complete with goals, two, three, and five year projections. We found another like minded soul to help. She's a photographer,...
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I'm so frustrated right now. I have so many angry things to say... Why am I waiting? I don't know what filter is up keeping me from a stream of angry text messages. Maybe it's the hope filter. The hope filter says maybe you'll get a call tomorrow about how the phone was lost, or stolen, and no one else had your number. Maybe you'll...
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