woked it with Xapplex, inner-city daycare makin' indians masks and then to the space to do tye-dye with deaf students. met nice boy, ben, who was the interpreter.
am wondering if i am really how yoolia would make me out to be...never mild. kind of like tobasco sauce...
must check into this.
all of my reactions are quite, shall i say, emphatic...but does that mean that i am never temperate?
i theenk that i shall enlist yoolia for help in making a photoset, just fer shits and giggles...
am wondering if i am really how yoolia would make me out to be...never mild. kind of like tobasco sauce...
must check into this.
all of my reactions are quite, shall i say, emphatic...but does that mean that i am never temperate?
i theenk that i shall enlist yoolia for help in making a photoset, just fer shits and giggles...

A note: SarahJane is my siamese twin.(:
^ she's not jokin!