I'm going to do some shameless self promotion here. I often post to my own "my grandma's cookbook" thread in the kitchen group but did you know I also have a blog? I...
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I dare you to watch this and not smile!
Greetings With Love,
How are you and how is your work? i hope that all is well with you, My name is miss Joy ,i know that you may be surprise how i get your email, i got your email today when i was browsing looking for honest partner,then i feel to drop this few line to you , and i will like you to contact me through my email so that we can know each other and exchange our pictures, and we may become partners.
Remember the distance does not matter what matters is the love we share with each other.
i am waiting to hear from you soon.
Regards Miss Joy
I always suspected you were a secret spammer! And making passes at me? What will Smaptie think! :p

She knows how to capitalize her "I"s.
So I'm 'between jobs' this week. But I don't mean that in an 'umemployed' way. I'm taking a week before starting my new job next week. I'm excited about this job. I get to work on a university campus with what seems like a great team.
I'm waiting at a service centre right now for my car. I would love to...
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And put down the maple syrup.
Thursday night was the Mumford and Sons concert in Montreal which Ive been looking forward too since I bought a ticket for myself on my birthday. I headed out from work at noon to drop Maggie off and get to Montreal with plenty of time. Im kind of a stickler for giving myself a lot of time I get stressed if I...
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I want hotel coffee.
This is a departure from my regular blogs but I came across these pictures and found them fascinating. They are photos by French photographers Marchand and Meffre of buildings in Detroit.
I found these pictures a couple months ago and spend a while googling different pictures of closed buildings in Detroit. Ruins basically.
I find it fascinating. These...
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We had a similar experience in my town, on a smaller scale. A lot of our great old buildings only survived the exodus from the inner city in the 60's through the 80's because nobody thought it was even worth their effort to tear them down. Now we're in the early stages of an inner city renaissance and those old buildings are a big part of it.
Hopefully many of these grand Detroit buildings can escape the wrecking ball and live again someday.