After seeing Bronson's ( Bronson Suicide ) dermal anchoring last night, I got one today. I got a little sparkly green one on my ring finger. I'm sure I will be getting more, but for now, we are seeing how well they stay in. Hers is SO BEAUTIFUL! Here is a pic just hours after I got it. Maybe she will post a pic of hers, too!

After seeing Bronson's ( Bronson Suicide ) dermal anchoring last night, I got one today. I got a little sparkly green one on my ring finger. I'm sure I will be getting more, but for now, we are seeing how well they stay in. Hers is SO BEAUTIFUL! Here is a pic just hours after I got it. Maybe she will post a pic of hers, too!

*My opinion only from having them for 26+ years(I'm in Modern Primitives) and my significant other is a tattoo artist*
Yes, I program, much to my dismay. It's like pulling teeth for me, not so easy, but I can do it, so I get sucked in sometimes. I'd rather do networks and servers (super passionate about that!) than program any day. I don't do it as a staple though, which probably makes it worse when I have to. The saddest part is that I don't really have to work at all, so when I get talked into doing some of the not so fun work I could kick myself!
Another birdie on it's way here in the next few weeks. A cockatiel named Cholita, or something very close to that. Her parents are moving to Hawaii and cannot take her. Cocoa will be happy becasue he gets a little lonely being the only cockatiel left.