i'm so sleepy right now. didn't have coffee this
morning. I noticed that coffee always works better
if I drink it around 5 in the evening. Then I can
stay up all night... weee. it's snowing out, but
since we don't have any windows in the office,
I really won't know when it stops. If i don't leave
this place it will be snowing for another
three month... and it very well might.
Tonight I shall test the strength of my character
for April is supposed to stop by my studio to
pick up some of her stuff. Come hither little girl
I will do things to you that they write about it
pathology journals. For some reason, though,
I always end up doing them to myself instead.
When I was a kid I was strangely attracted to
switchblades. I used to collect them and carry one
in my pocket. I might've had three or four... Some
got lost, some I broke. One I remember clearly -
was a small one, but prison-made... just like
a real thing. Designed for killing. Lately I've been
having fantasies about getting one again. Don't know
if I should, though. A long time ago, this old thug
that lived in the same apartment building told me
to never take out a knife unless you intend on using
it, otherwise it will be used against you and he
would show me a couple of scars on his stomach...
morning. I noticed that coffee always works better
if I drink it around 5 in the evening. Then I can
stay up all night... weee. it's snowing out, but
since we don't have any windows in the office,
I really won't know when it stops. If i don't leave
this place it will be snowing for another
three month... and it very well might.
Tonight I shall test the strength of my character
for April is supposed to stop by my studio to
pick up some of her stuff. Come hither little girl
I will do things to you that they write about it
pathology journals. For some reason, though,
I always end up doing them to myself instead.
When I was a kid I was strangely attracted to
switchblades. I used to collect them and carry one
in my pocket. I might've had three or four... Some
got lost, some I broke. One I remember clearly -
was a small one, but prison-made... just like
a real thing. Designed for killing. Lately I've been
having fantasies about getting one again. Don't know
if I should, though. A long time ago, this old thug
that lived in the same apartment building told me
to never take out a knife unless you intend on using
it, otherwise it will be used against you and he
would show me a couple of scars on his stomach...
and thank you for that
but that's what i mean, oil and water.
metaphors are the best.
i use them too. when i really *write*...
but i've so far used this mostly just for venting! hA!
[Edited on Jan 23, 2003]
oops, again.
please don't take that to mean i'm a *writer* or any such thing.
[Edited on Jan 23, 2003]