well...looks like i am gonna go away for a bit....can't make myself pay for this site anymore...have too many bills from moving! anyway...i'll be back!
i made the mistake of going to the IKEA store today...i want every fucking room in that store....plus they have a super cheap restaurant inside there, and i love my yummy food...so i double love IKEA now! i can never seem to save enough money to actually buy anything there, plus i get more satisfaction finding stuff piece by piece at thrift stores and garage... Read More
is it just me or have clothing sizes all of a sudden shrunk? Like i went to the mall for the first time in a year or so....i usually just hit Twisted Sisters or Goodwill, and my normal size pants were WAY too small..and i haven't gained weight that would alter my size....pissed me off so bad! so i bought some new panties from VS... Read More
hi there! i feel your pain about shopping for pants especially...i've gotta ghetto booty and can never find the right fit. hehe ANYway i'm sure you were just dying to know that.
ugh...and i hate going to malls....avoid them at all costs! wait, except for the fact they have Sephora....ahhh
well now, tomorrow is thanksgiving....i've never actually liked this holiday mostly cause i have never really had a whole family put together to celebrate it....but also because i think it is just a big old excuse to gourge ourselves on crap we don't need.....and it makes people that don't have a family or whatever feel bad because they don't have what they think everyone else... Read More
So I have four adorable kittens that desperately need a home! if you live in GA and want one please please please let me know, i allready have too many damn animals, but i just can't take these babies to the pound! please take a kitty!
got a supa rockin new house...ok so i have to share it with a bunch of people, but i am so in love with it i don't care! it's got a pool and hot tub...hmm...maybe i should start throwing an annual SG party or somethin--oh yeah--plus!! it has an awesome wall in it that would be so cool to shoot photos against!...my mind is always... Read More
working on buying a new house...it's a super fixer upper, but i can't wait to get in there and start working, i love home renovation, painting, *plumbing* weilding big tools...ripping up carpet, stripping old tubs and refinishing, i'm getting hot just thinking about it! hopefully i will get my ass in gear also and shoot a set to submit real soon! anyone wanna give me... Read More
that's it...i officially love SG!!! I am supposed to hit F*ing work today at 1, and i was up till about six cause i couldn't make myself get off this place! i have a new addiction.....