Recently I haven't been feeling a lot of love on this site. And maybe it's just me, and maybe it's because I've found love elsewhere...but I don't feel the same sort of love feelings I used to have when I first joined this site. I mean yes, I've moved on to bigger and better things...well, maybe not better, but different for sure. And I've found lots of ways to boost my self esteem, and feel loved and respected. However, just because I've found love in a different form does not mean I want to end my relationship with SG. I love SG. We used to be so tight. There are a hand full of people on this site who do care, and show that they care. I appreciate that, and I try to show my appreciation. But something has changed. I think I've changed. I'm not as in love with SG as I used to be. And it pains me to say it. I will continue to renew my subscription, because I have a huge appreciation for naked ladies, and I like the groups, and I like the few friends that I've made. I probably won't post anymore risque pictures, because I'm feeling a little under appreciated. Perhaps someday, when I've found my place, I will return to my normal posting. I will still blog, but things have changed.
Life, online or offline, has its peaks and its valleys. Chill and do your thing as you see fit.