Man family sucks.
My brother (not really, but he has lived with us for a long time when I was a kid. Separate email if you want the long and boring story) calls me about two weeks ago and wants me to bring my dad's rifle to him in Glenallen (250 miles away) on Fri the 19th.
I ask him why and he is elusive until finally he tells me that my dad, that would be MY father is coming here to go caribou hunting with him. Neither of my parents told me that he was coming, they obviously didn't want to see me all they want from me is dad's rifle.
This rifle is the one that I, not my brother, carried for my dad when he was hunting when I was little. This is the rifle that I shot my first moose with. This rifle means something to me. It has my dad's spirit in it and I am afraid that if I give it to my brother I will never see it again and it is the only thing that I have from my dad.
Soooo I tell him, "No way in hell he is getting it back". I take the brand new rifle that I just bought and I pack it up to give it to my dad.
Thursday morning I am sitting in my office going over reports from the readiness exercise that lasted the four days before (during which I got no sleep and 4 hours off because I was supervising the dispatch desk) and at 10 am said brother above calls me and wants to know if I can just leave work and drive the three hours to bring him the rifle. Uhhhh nooooo! I am working.
Then he tells me that they are just going to swing by and get it Fri or Sat. cool!
arcticminx and I decide to go monthly grocery shopping which is a 220 mile round trip to Fairbanks on Sat.
I have no sooner sat down after getting home and who should call but my brother deciding that they don't feel like showing up and I need to bring that rifle to Glenallen after all.
Needless to say I was a bit perturbed.
I arrived waited an hour, hugged my dad, gave him my rifle and chit chatted a minute and then hauled ass.
I am still fuckin fuming.
I have been putting up with this shit since I left home. What do you do when an imposter has hijacked your family?
If they found a new kid maybe I need to go find new parents.
So anyhoo, what's up in all the worlds of my friends?
My brother (not really, but he has lived with us for a long time when I was a kid. Separate email if you want the long and boring story) calls me about two weeks ago and wants me to bring my dad's rifle to him in Glenallen (250 miles away) on Fri the 19th.
I ask him why and he is elusive until finally he tells me that my dad, that would be MY father is coming here to go caribou hunting with him. Neither of my parents told me that he was coming, they obviously didn't want to see me all they want from me is dad's rifle.
This rifle is the one that I, not my brother, carried for my dad when he was hunting when I was little. This is the rifle that I shot my first moose with. This rifle means something to me. It has my dad's spirit in it and I am afraid that if I give it to my brother I will never see it again and it is the only thing that I have from my dad.
Soooo I tell him, "No way in hell he is getting it back". I take the brand new rifle that I just bought and I pack it up to give it to my dad.
Thursday morning I am sitting in my office going over reports from the readiness exercise that lasted the four days before (during which I got no sleep and 4 hours off because I was supervising the dispatch desk) and at 10 am said brother above calls me and wants to know if I can just leave work and drive the three hours to bring him the rifle. Uhhhh nooooo! I am working.
Then he tells me that they are just going to swing by and get it Fri or Sat. cool!
arcticminx and I decide to go monthly grocery shopping which is a 220 mile round trip to Fairbanks on Sat.
I have no sooner sat down after getting home and who should call but my brother deciding that they don't feel like showing up and I need to bring that rifle to Glenallen after all.
Needless to say I was a bit perturbed.
I arrived waited an hour, hugged my dad, gave him my rifle and chit chatted a minute and then hauled ass.
I am still fuckin fuming.
I have been putting up with this shit since I left home. What do you do when an imposter has hijacked your family?
If they found a new kid maybe I need to go find new parents.
So anyhoo, what's up in all the worlds of my friends?
You are my light and my life and I bless the day your momma and daddy had you and then gave you me!
All my love and deep devotion, Yours
Yep a long round trip for grocery shopping. I guess some things have not changed in Delta the past 30 years ... I still wonder though what a person does when winter has fully set in and going shopping?