I guess I am going to have to take a new job. The new restructure came down a couple days ago and my job as the head of the physical security dept is being replaced with a contractor.
I can either work for the new boss or go back to the road. I am seriously condsidering going back to the road. I guess I have an ego thing to deal with. Just feels like shit being replaced after I worked hard to bring physical security out of nothing. I know that I am not irreplaceable I wouldn't be that arrogant, but I would think that good works might be recognized.
Then I remember that I read a journal the other day, it was written by a young lady who has real problems and I think that I should stop whining and just be glad that I have a job and that the job is something that I love to do.
We all have problems and some peoples problems are more calamitous than others.
I will be happy with what I have, and I will stop whining.....eventually.

I can either work for the new boss or go back to the road. I am seriously condsidering going back to the road. I guess I have an ego thing to deal with. Just feels like shit being replaced after I worked hard to bring physical security out of nothing. I know that I am not irreplaceable I wouldn't be that arrogant, but I would think that good works might be recognized.
Then I remember that I read a journal the other day, it was written by a young lady who has real problems and I think that I should stop whining and just be glad that I have a job and that the job is something that I love to do.
We all have problems and some peoples problems are more calamitous than others.
I will be happy with what I have, and I will stop whining.....eventually.

I am happy with what I have but ..... always want more. For the moment things will just ahve to do until .....