DE-VIRGINIZED! (since before my last birthday)
Honestly though... I heard a girl once tell me that she becomes a virgin again every birthday.
True story. I'm not making this up.
So she tells me that every year on her birthday she believes she becomes a virgin again.
I think she just does that to make herself feel better about how many guys she's sleeping with every month.
Granted... I'm a little jealous if her numbers are that high and mine aren't.
It's true though, isn't it?.... It's easier for a girl to get laid than a guy.
Guys are general hornballs anyway. Unless of course you get the rare "prude-dude."
and I feel bad because a good friend of mine (whom I used to hook up with) is dating ^that guy.
She has a much larger sexual palette than he does and she would really wear me down.
He has put a stop to her sexual encouragement. It's kinda of sad really.
Anywhoo... guys are hornballs. We try and try to get a girl to get in bed with us. Girls will deny or play hard to get or want a relationship. Whatever the situation... it is less likely for the guy to get laid.
Now... if a girl was horny... all she had to do would be to find a guy who was not a "prude-dude" and she's guaranteed to get laid.
Sorry I'm leaving out the gay community here. Not really my expertise. I know how hard it was for one of my gay female friends to have sex with her girlfriend. She hated it. . . . Now she's dating a guy who doesn't have sex with her either. I guess it was a lose-lose for her too.
Moving on....
I... after 6 months of nothing... got laid. It's a wonderful thing when you don't have sex for so long and start to have it again!
I started getting calls for auditions for commercials and movies... got more hours at work....
It just so happened to coincide with all the other good things that are happening in my life and I like to pretend it's because I'm getting some!
So I'm not sure where I left off last, but let me catch you up real quick.
I was dating a girl last year.
she broke up with me the day after thanksgiving. She said she just wanted to be friends. And she REALLY wanted to be friends.
We stopped having sex a month before this break up. So... October sometime.
Thanksgiving break up... and then she wants to hang out as friends a week later. We hang out and it turns into her jumping on top of me and... well.. we just went at it. Hard. Harder than ever. She was saying stuff that she never said when we were together.
she stopped talking to me a week later.... and I've talked to her 3 times since. She got weird and distant.
So December was the last time I got any.
Jan, Feb, & March weren't really exciting. My students were in the Mass HS Drama Festival competition.
They did a wonderful job, but they were up against some really tough competition. They didn't move on... but it was a great time anyway.
I went to Charlotte, NC late March into April with 2 of my friends. Same reason as last year.
Swim Competition.
So I totally expected to get laid this time because I SHOULD'VE gotten some last year and was denied because the girl that picked ME up at a bar and brought me back to HER place expected me to have condoms in the tiny shorts I was wearing.
( I had room for my debit card and my license and that was it!)
Anywhoo... I really did try to meet girls and pick them up, but when your 2 friends have girlfriends it makes it hard for either one of them to want to be your wingman.
I brought a backpack full of condoms in case I might need one.
I think that's the real cock-block. condoms.
I did meet a nice girl at a bar. She asked me to meet her at the pizza place after. I go there and really not much happened after that. I was kinda dumb and didn't ask for her number.
Then after that I worked nights for 3.5 weeks straight. Got sick for a couple days in the middle.. then I got Strep throat and was miserable and stuck inside not being able to eat or talk for 2 weeks.
somewhere in the middle of all this... I had about a week off from work. (sorta).
At this point in time I went to the Johnny Cupcakes 5 year Anniversary of the Boston store.
Here I met a nice girl with a camera.
I could totally tell she started crushing on me, but I wasn't really sure what was up. I kind of thought she was dating one of the other JC fans.
She was there with her camera just wandering around boston taking pics. She stayed and took LOTS of pictures of the event. (which, if I had any of them saved on my comp, I'd post right here)
One of the pictures she posted had me and 2 irish guys in it.
a friend of hers commented on the picture saying how cute I was.
4 days later Johnny (from Johnny Cupcakes) put on an indoor dodgeball event.
First girl decided she was going to go... and brought friend who commented on picture.
I wasn't introduced to friend until after the event was over and we were leaving.
someone friended someone on FB and friend of the photographer started talking to me on facebook.
talking turned into plans to hang out.
plans turned into a reality 3 days after we met.
Reality turned into some of the BEST sex I've ever had...... the first time hanging out with this girl.
girl number 1 was mad because I wrote "that's what she said" on girl 2's FB page.
the girls were upset for a minute and first girl started dating the kid who I thought she was dating anyway. (but she wasn't then... but is now)
So.... now... all's good in the hood.
A little more about this lady friend.... (because I'm actually really excited and happy).....
she mentioned that she likes girls as well and has been in a threesome on more than one occasion.
I have NEVER been in a threesome. It's kind of exciting.
She says, because she likes me, she's not sure she could do that with me, but there's a chance.
And... just the other day she said she was thinking of girls she might want to invite for that escapade with me.
I'd love that.... I think I'd be happy just watching her with another girl.
then again... I get anxious when I'm not actively pleasing someone in bed.
Okay... straying far away from the sexual content and theme here....
My nephews both had their birthdays in the last month. The oldest was the beginning of May and the little one's birthday was yesterday.
I love and miss them both.
My sister has been home alone with the boys quite a bit lately. My brother in law has been helping start up a Bio-Diesel company in Northern California.
My sister and nephews live in CT.
That's a big difference.
She seems to be dealing well with it right now.
My best female friend, I just found out, is being emotionally abused/controlled by her current boyfriend.
I had no idea. I'm very sad to hear this news. I think I need to go visit soon just to make a point.
so at E3, Nintendo announced its new platform. Wii U.
If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's going to be AMAZING!
I've been playing Ultimate (frisbee) with my team every week. I love it. I really get my head out of my life and out of the everyday when I'm playing.
I like almost everyone on my team... but not everyone feels the same way about each other.
Being a Captain/Manager/Chief Financial Officer isn't easy.
Hard to please everyone... Delegating responsibilities has been my new goal.
Our current record is 1 win 3 Losses, and 2 cancellations.
2 of the losses don't count towards our tournament play. They were/are teams outside of our division.
It starts getting complicated, but really we're 1-1.
I've gotten back into Disc Golf after a long cold/wet winter of not playing.
I can't wait to play Disc in Vermont, New Hampshire, & Maine again.
I'd love to get away and just go on another tour of New England.
I am going camping/seeing Dave Matthews Band in Atlantic City in 2 weeks.
I am NOT a DMB fan at all. . . . . . . . but I do enjoy O.A.R. who is also going to be at this music festival.
I'm excited for it... but I'm not sure I've got enough $ right now.
I'm going to a wedding July 1st and another one July 9th.
So much going on... can't keep up.
Oh.... and I'm covering for my boss for the months of July & August.
I will be pulling in about 34 hours a week. ..... or about $5,000.00 in those 2 months.
I'm pretty sure all that money is going to the wedding in July (in Virginia) and a wedding I have to go to in November in Austin TX.
The left over $ is going to paying bills off... and maybe getting a new bike. :p
But then I'll go back to making less than 200 a week.
Well... I've got to nerd it up before I go to bed.
Time for comics, music, and a tall glass of ice water.
Good night all!
(sorry for being so distant)
OH!... and if you haven't checked out this amazing girl's set... you better do it now.
go check out Miri and her newest set. I'm still surprised she hasn't gone pink yet.
Help her reach this goal.
She really is awesome.
Honestly though... I heard a girl once tell me that she becomes a virgin again every birthday.
True story. I'm not making this up.
So she tells me that every year on her birthday she believes she becomes a virgin again.
I think she just does that to make herself feel better about how many guys she's sleeping with every month.
Granted... I'm a little jealous if her numbers are that high and mine aren't.
It's true though, isn't it?.... It's easier for a girl to get laid than a guy.
Guys are general hornballs anyway. Unless of course you get the rare "prude-dude."
and I feel bad because a good friend of mine (whom I used to hook up with) is dating ^that guy.
She has a much larger sexual palette than he does and she would really wear me down.
He has put a stop to her sexual encouragement. It's kinda of sad really.
Anywhoo... guys are hornballs. We try and try to get a girl to get in bed with us. Girls will deny or play hard to get or want a relationship. Whatever the situation... it is less likely for the guy to get laid.
Now... if a girl was horny... all she had to do would be to find a guy who was not a "prude-dude" and she's guaranteed to get laid.
Sorry I'm leaving out the gay community here. Not really my expertise. I know how hard it was for one of my gay female friends to have sex with her girlfriend. She hated it. . . . Now she's dating a guy who doesn't have sex with her either. I guess it was a lose-lose for her too.
Moving on....
I... after 6 months of nothing... got laid. It's a wonderful thing when you don't have sex for so long and start to have it again!
I started getting calls for auditions for commercials and movies... got more hours at work....
It just so happened to coincide with all the other good things that are happening in my life and I like to pretend it's because I'm getting some!
So I'm not sure where I left off last, but let me catch you up real quick.
I was dating a girl last year.
she broke up with me the day after thanksgiving. She said she just wanted to be friends. And she REALLY wanted to be friends.
We stopped having sex a month before this break up. So... October sometime.
Thanksgiving break up... and then she wants to hang out as friends a week later. We hang out and it turns into her jumping on top of me and... well.. we just went at it. Hard. Harder than ever. She was saying stuff that she never said when we were together.
she stopped talking to me a week later.... and I've talked to her 3 times since. She got weird and distant.
So December was the last time I got any.
Jan, Feb, & March weren't really exciting. My students were in the Mass HS Drama Festival competition.
They did a wonderful job, but they were up against some really tough competition. They didn't move on... but it was a great time anyway.
I went to Charlotte, NC late March into April with 2 of my friends. Same reason as last year.
Swim Competition.
So I totally expected to get laid this time because I SHOULD'VE gotten some last year and was denied because the girl that picked ME up at a bar and brought me back to HER place expected me to have condoms in the tiny shorts I was wearing.
( I had room for my debit card and my license and that was it!)
Anywhoo... I really did try to meet girls and pick them up, but when your 2 friends have girlfriends it makes it hard for either one of them to want to be your wingman.
I brought a backpack full of condoms in case I might need one.
I think that's the real cock-block. condoms.
I did meet a nice girl at a bar. She asked me to meet her at the pizza place after. I go there and really not much happened after that. I was kinda dumb and didn't ask for her number.
Then after that I worked nights for 3.5 weeks straight. Got sick for a couple days in the middle.. then I got Strep throat and was miserable and stuck inside not being able to eat or talk for 2 weeks.
somewhere in the middle of all this... I had about a week off from work. (sorta).
At this point in time I went to the Johnny Cupcakes 5 year Anniversary of the Boston store.
Here I met a nice girl with a camera.
I could totally tell she started crushing on me, but I wasn't really sure what was up. I kind of thought she was dating one of the other JC fans.
She was there with her camera just wandering around boston taking pics. She stayed and took LOTS of pictures of the event. (which, if I had any of them saved on my comp, I'd post right here)
One of the pictures she posted had me and 2 irish guys in it.
a friend of hers commented on the picture saying how cute I was.
4 days later Johnny (from Johnny Cupcakes) put on an indoor dodgeball event.
First girl decided she was going to go... and brought friend who commented on picture.
I wasn't introduced to friend until after the event was over and we were leaving.
someone friended someone on FB and friend of the photographer started talking to me on facebook.
talking turned into plans to hang out.
plans turned into a reality 3 days after we met.
Reality turned into some of the BEST sex I've ever had...... the first time hanging out with this girl.
girl number 1 was mad because I wrote "that's what she said" on girl 2's FB page.
the girls were upset for a minute and first girl started dating the kid who I thought she was dating anyway. (but she wasn't then... but is now)
So.... now... all's good in the hood.
A little more about this lady friend.... (because I'm actually really excited and happy).....
she mentioned that she likes girls as well and has been in a threesome on more than one occasion.
I have NEVER been in a threesome. It's kind of exciting.
She says, because she likes me, she's not sure she could do that with me, but there's a chance.
And... just the other day she said she was thinking of girls she might want to invite for that escapade with me.
I'd love that.... I think I'd be happy just watching her with another girl.
then again... I get anxious when I'm not actively pleasing someone in bed.
Okay... straying far away from the sexual content and theme here....
My nephews both had their birthdays in the last month. The oldest was the beginning of May and the little one's birthday was yesterday.
I love and miss them both.
My sister has been home alone with the boys quite a bit lately. My brother in law has been helping start up a Bio-Diesel company in Northern California.
My sister and nephews live in CT.
That's a big difference.
She seems to be dealing well with it right now.
My best female friend, I just found out, is being emotionally abused/controlled by her current boyfriend.
I had no idea. I'm very sad to hear this news. I think I need to go visit soon just to make a point.
so at E3, Nintendo announced its new platform. Wii U.
If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's going to be AMAZING!
I've been playing Ultimate (frisbee) with my team every week. I love it. I really get my head out of my life and out of the everyday when I'm playing.
I like almost everyone on my team... but not everyone feels the same way about each other.
Being a Captain/Manager/Chief Financial Officer isn't easy.
Hard to please everyone... Delegating responsibilities has been my new goal.
Our current record is 1 win 3 Losses, and 2 cancellations.
2 of the losses don't count towards our tournament play. They were/are teams outside of our division.
It starts getting complicated, but really we're 1-1.
I've gotten back into Disc Golf after a long cold/wet winter of not playing.
I can't wait to play Disc in Vermont, New Hampshire, & Maine again.
I'd love to get away and just go on another tour of New England.
I am going camping/seeing Dave Matthews Band in Atlantic City in 2 weeks.
I am NOT a DMB fan at all. . . . . . . . but I do enjoy O.A.R. who is also going to be at this music festival.
I'm excited for it... but I'm not sure I've got enough $ right now.
I'm going to a wedding July 1st and another one July 9th.
So much going on... can't keep up.
Oh.... and I'm covering for my boss for the months of July & August.
I will be pulling in about 34 hours a week. ..... or about $5,000.00 in those 2 months.
I'm pretty sure all that money is going to the wedding in July (in Virginia) and a wedding I have to go to in November in Austin TX.
The left over $ is going to paying bills off... and maybe getting a new bike. :p
But then I'll go back to making less than 200 a week.

Well... I've got to nerd it up before I go to bed.
Time for comics, music, and a tall glass of ice water.
Good night all!
(sorry for being so distant)
OH!... and if you haven't checked out this amazing girl's set... you better do it now.
go check out Miri and her newest set. I'm still surprised she hasn't gone pink yet.
Help her reach this goal.
She really is awesome.
Me too. It was lonely in the real world. hahaha.
Okay... maybe not "lonely".... but definitely way too fucking busy.