OH fer cryin out loud!
Now i'm starting to have dreams at least once a week.
this is either a really good sign. or a really tragic one.
Went up to Umass this weekend. Partied with some old friends. and some new ones. Also played a little disc. rode my bike.
it was a good time.
I'm thinking maybe i should do grad school at umass... or possibly BSC.
I found out i could play disc for a college team even as a grad student. WOO HOO!!!
I'm eligible to play for as many years as i did not play as an undergrad.
SO potentially... i've got 4 years of Ultimate Frisbee ahead of me. Woot woot!
In other news.
I have one job interview coming up.
I have 2 that are in hiatus. the first is @ the Museum of Science in Boston. That dude STILL hasn't got back to me. the 2nd one is at my highschool. I'd be an after school program director for "STW". It's a theater thing.
AND.... I just got a call from my friend in California... he wrote a script for a ... thing.... and he wants me to be in it. He's filming in Mass in december... and then we'd fly back to Cali in March-ish to finish filming.
So stoked!!
My "gf" barely talks to me or sees me and we never sleep together (in both meanings of the word)... and i have been nothing but faithful.... and next weekend is the ultimate test of faith.
and old love interest is going to be staying at my house for part of the weekend. (i'm sure i wouldn't see my "gf" anyway. ......................... so, do i tell her.. or not?
I've had one dream about kissing this ex love interest in the last week. and i've had 2 dreams in the last week and a half about getting physical with my "gf". POOP ON A STICK! grrrrrrrrrr.
okay. I am going to read some comics and chill out for a while.
Then... writing emails and doing more application stuff and taking a well deserved & much needed shower.
(if only i could shower with someone. that would make me soo happy right now)
Oh. PS.
1) Do NOT waste your time going to see the movie "9". wait until it comes on TBS.
2) DO go see "Inglourious Basterds". Best Tarantino flick yet!! ......... "Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park! Fenway Park on its feet for Teddy! Fuckin' ballgame! He went yardo on that one, on to fuckin' Lansdowne Street! "
I'll leave it at that.
Now i'm starting to have dreams at least once a week.
this is either a really good sign. or a really tragic one.
Went up to Umass this weekend. Partied with some old friends. and some new ones. Also played a little disc. rode my bike.
it was a good time.
I'm thinking maybe i should do grad school at umass... or possibly BSC.
I found out i could play disc for a college team even as a grad student. WOO HOO!!!
I'm eligible to play for as many years as i did not play as an undergrad.
SO potentially... i've got 4 years of Ultimate Frisbee ahead of me. Woot woot!
In other news.
I have one job interview coming up.
I have 2 that are in hiatus. the first is @ the Museum of Science in Boston. That dude STILL hasn't got back to me. the 2nd one is at my highschool. I'd be an after school program director for "STW". It's a theater thing.
AND.... I just got a call from my friend in California... he wrote a script for a ... thing.... and he wants me to be in it. He's filming in Mass in december... and then we'd fly back to Cali in March-ish to finish filming.
So stoked!!
My "gf" barely talks to me or sees me and we never sleep together (in both meanings of the word)... and i have been nothing but faithful.... and next weekend is the ultimate test of faith.
and old love interest is going to be staying at my house for part of the weekend. (i'm sure i wouldn't see my "gf" anyway. ......................... so, do i tell her.. or not?
I've had one dream about kissing this ex love interest in the last week. and i've had 2 dreams in the last week and a half about getting physical with my "gf". POOP ON A STICK! grrrrrrrrrr.
okay. I am going to read some comics and chill out for a while.
Then... writing emails and doing more application stuff and taking a well deserved & much needed shower.
(if only i could shower with someone. that would make me soo happy right now)
Oh. PS.
1) Do NOT waste your time going to see the movie "9". wait until it comes on TBS.
2) DO go see "Inglourious Basterds". Best Tarantino flick yet!! ......... "Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park! Fenway Park on its feet for Teddy! Fuckin' ballgame! He went yardo on that one, on to fuckin' Lansdowne Street! "
I'll leave it at that.