I've got good news and bad news.
Bad news first.
Turns out one of my best friends has been stealing money from my house.
upwards of $5,000.00
I'm going to break his legs.
Bad news #2
~20 days since i got some.
isn't it supposed to be just a littler easier and more readily available when you're "in a relationship".
(btw- i'm not making it official until certain things happen.... 1-she tells her parents. 2-threesome. 3-she doesnt fly off to where ever again)......
Good news.
I love my nephews.
they are so cute.
one is 4 and the other is six.
the 4 year old just printed his name today and his brother's name. He added exclamation points so "it would look like (he) was yelling it" WOW! what a smart kid.
Both of them wrote stories today too.
(well... they told a story and my sister typed for them.)
Qaiden's (4yr old) Turtle story:
Once upon a time there was a turtle. He was so hungry that he wanted some fish, but there was nothing but plankton and the turtle just loves fish but people captured a lot of fish. He went far away to somebodys house and sneaked in one of their buckets and ate some fish. He solved his problem. The people should leave the fish in the water.
Does he know that his uncle LOVES ANAPSIDS!!!!
Daniel's (6yr old) Panda Story:
One day in the far off mountains of the Sleeping Dragon a panda named Sing Sing and he was always looking for bamboo rats to eat because pandas are bears and they like meat.
So then Sing Sing decided that he would go tell his friends his cousin the red panda to help him find some bamboo rats because his cousin the red panda is much quicker. So he would ask would you teach me to find bamboo rats.
His cousin said sure I will. All you have to do is wait near a rat hole. When a rat comes up you just have to grab it and start eating. He tried it for a whole hour a rat came up 100 times but he couldnt catch it.
Then he a had the idea to take a dust bath and cover his white with the dust, then he went like this over his eyes and hed wait. The rat would come up and wouldnt see anything because he covered his eyes just like Sunu did.
And just like that he caught his first rat. He told the other pandas and everyone believed him. He asked his cousin for help not his parents, his kids, or his wife because he knew his cousin was so fast.
(okay.. so panda's dont eat rats, but it's a good story. Annnddd.... i'm pretty sure when he was telling the story to his mom -my sis- he was acting out a good portion of the story. he has a tendency to do that)
other good news:
today is frisbee day.
i need to clear my head.
Bad news first.
Turns out one of my best friends has been stealing money from my house.
upwards of $5,000.00
I'm going to break his legs.
Bad news #2
~20 days since i got some.
isn't it supposed to be just a littler easier and more readily available when you're "in a relationship".
(btw- i'm not making it official until certain things happen.... 1-she tells her parents. 2-threesome. 3-she doesnt fly off to where ever again)......
Good news.
I love my nephews.
they are so cute.
one is 4 and the other is six.
the 4 year old just printed his name today and his brother's name. He added exclamation points so "it would look like (he) was yelling it" WOW! what a smart kid.
Both of them wrote stories today too.
(well... they told a story and my sister typed for them.)
Qaiden's (4yr old) Turtle story:
Once upon a time there was a turtle. He was so hungry that he wanted some fish, but there was nothing but plankton and the turtle just loves fish but people captured a lot of fish. He went far away to somebodys house and sneaked in one of their buckets and ate some fish. He solved his problem. The people should leave the fish in the water.
Does he know that his uncle LOVES ANAPSIDS!!!!
Daniel's (6yr old) Panda Story:
One day in the far off mountains of the Sleeping Dragon a panda named Sing Sing and he was always looking for bamboo rats to eat because pandas are bears and they like meat.
So then Sing Sing decided that he would go tell his friends his cousin the red panda to help him find some bamboo rats because his cousin the red panda is much quicker. So he would ask would you teach me to find bamboo rats.
His cousin said sure I will. All you have to do is wait near a rat hole. When a rat comes up you just have to grab it and start eating. He tried it for a whole hour a rat came up 100 times but he couldnt catch it.
Then he a had the idea to take a dust bath and cover his white with the dust, then he went like this over his eyes and hed wait. The rat would come up and wouldnt see anything because he covered his eyes just like Sunu did.
And just like that he caught his first rat. He told the other pandas and everyone believed him. He asked his cousin for help not his parents, his kids, or his wife because he knew his cousin was so fast.
(okay.. so panda's dont eat rats, but it's a good story. Annnddd.... i'm pretty sure when he was telling the story to his mom -my sis- he was acting out a good portion of the story. he has a tendency to do that)
other good news:
today is frisbee day.
i need to clear my head.
Aww I like the story 

Wow, it sounds like you have a lot of it going on! Most of it good... except for that whole $5000 thing! Bad friend!!