Why Hello there.
it feels like 6 days has been too long. oh wait... it's been far longer than that hasn't it.
Last Time on Days of Our Lives......
But seriously....
i can't exactly remember off the top of my head what i blogged about before. [so happy i used "blogged" in a sentence and then again i feel so neo-nerdic]
But let me start anew...
So... troubles with girls are always that: TROUBLE.
And i seem to get myself into a share of trouble with them.
My ex and i broke up 5 times. i broke up with her once. she broke up with me 4 times. she left me for the same guy each time. whatever.... after the 3rd time i started seeing this girl. she wanted sex all the time. More than i wanted it. Which is quite a lot, let me tell you. the sex was fun. it wasn't great... but it was fun. But this girl was a nut-job. and not in that fun way when you stroke the balls either.
pardon me if i am getting a tad vulgar.
anywhoo... she's just nuts. ANDDDDD She's a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE kisser. ugghhhhhh.
she kisses like a dead fish.
No. i am sure i can get a better kiss from a deceased water faring animal.
Well... that "ended" and i got back together with the ex early this year. ... #4. she broke up with me for the other dude again.....
2 weeks ago i ran into her at the movie theater.
WAIT let me back up...
after she broke up with me... i sorta started seeing CRAZY again. (but it took a while)
and ... more recently... 3-4 weeks ago... i was seeing (albeit briefly) this girl i liked when i was still a senior in high school. (she put on a lot of weight since her dad died.) .... (not that that matters much)...
Well..... turns out.... the HS girl is still as annoying and whiny as ever!!!
we had sex... but.... i had to put an end to that...
That end came when
(re instate EX cut scene)
i ran into my ex at the movie theater.
i freaked
my friend freaked
she was apparently freaking out.
How do i know?
she called me the next day.
She saw my friend, but not me.
I saw her.
I panicked.
Regardless... we started talking the next day and were on the phone for 2 hours.
and then again later that evening.
and by saturday .... ummm.. No. Sunday.... we met up and went to the movies and dinner.
she thought it was a date.
So... we made it a date.
and honestly... I couldn't be happier.
Yeah... I know... she's left me for the same dude 4 times.
and me being a sucker... go back to her.... but.... really, it fits so well.
I'm stupid huh?
well let me tell you something...
I took one of those FaceBook tests that says what famous (fictional) couple i was... and I was the couple from the NoteBook. it said something about.. yeah you break up... but you always get back together and you know each other really well. or something like that.
And you KNOW those things are COMPLETELY ACCURATE!!!
( notice the drenching sarcasm)
Anywhoo................ So far... things seem to be going well.
She's all i can think about. She was all i was dreaming about before we ran into each other.... and well....
it happened. My dreams came true. (some of them were nightmares) but.... those were true too. in the end... the dreams won.
in OTHER news.....
I STILLLLLL need a fucking Job!!!
Best Buy said they REALLY want me... but they dont have an opening yet.
Dumb bastards need to get on that shit.
my other potentials haven't got back to me yet.
i really need a job that pays 45k/year or more. (i'm shooting for 300K, but i'll accept 85k)
Furthmore news:
this is more like a list of Movies that i want to see... or just feel like commenting on:
it feels like 6 days has been too long. oh wait... it's been far longer than that hasn't it.
Last Time on Days of Our Lives......
But seriously....
i can't exactly remember off the top of my head what i blogged about before. [so happy i used "blogged" in a sentence and then again i feel so neo-nerdic]
But let me start anew...
So... troubles with girls are always that: TROUBLE.
And i seem to get myself into a share of trouble with them.
My ex and i broke up 5 times. i broke up with her once. she broke up with me 4 times. she left me for the same guy each time. whatever.... after the 3rd time i started seeing this girl. she wanted sex all the time. More than i wanted it. Which is quite a lot, let me tell you. the sex was fun. it wasn't great... but it was fun. But this girl was a nut-job. and not in that fun way when you stroke the balls either.
pardon me if i am getting a tad vulgar.
anywhoo... she's just nuts. ANDDDDD She's a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE kisser. ugghhhhhh.
she kisses like a dead fish.
No. i am sure i can get a better kiss from a deceased water faring animal.
Well... that "ended" and i got back together with the ex early this year. ... #4. she broke up with me for the other dude again.....
2 weeks ago i ran into her at the movie theater.
WAIT let me back up...
after she broke up with me... i sorta started seeing CRAZY again. (but it took a while)
and ... more recently... 3-4 weeks ago... i was seeing (albeit briefly) this girl i liked when i was still a senior in high school. (she put on a lot of weight since her dad died.) .... (not that that matters much)...
Well..... turns out.... the HS girl is still as annoying and whiny as ever!!!
we had sex... but.... i had to put an end to that...
That end came when
(re instate EX cut scene)
i ran into my ex at the movie theater.
i freaked
my friend freaked
she was apparently freaking out.
How do i know?
she called me the next day.
She saw my friend, but not me.
I saw her.
I panicked.
Regardless... we started talking the next day and were on the phone for 2 hours.
and then again later that evening.
and by saturday .... ummm.. No. Sunday.... we met up and went to the movies and dinner.
she thought it was a date.
So... we made it a date.
and honestly... I couldn't be happier.
Yeah... I know... she's left me for the same dude 4 times.
and me being a sucker... go back to her.... but.... really, it fits so well.
I'm stupid huh?
well let me tell you something...
I took one of those FaceBook tests that says what famous (fictional) couple i was... and I was the couple from the NoteBook. it said something about.. yeah you break up... but you always get back together and you know each other really well. or something like that.
And you KNOW those things are COMPLETELY ACCURATE!!!
( notice the drenching sarcasm)
Anywhoo................ So far... things seem to be going well.
She's all i can think about. She was all i was dreaming about before we ran into each other.... and well....
it happened. My dreams came true. (some of them were nightmares) but.... those were true too. in the end... the dreams won.
in OTHER news.....
I STILLLLLL need a fucking Job!!!
Best Buy said they REALLY want me... but they dont have an opening yet.
Dumb bastards need to get on that shit.
my other potentials haven't got back to me yet.
i really need a job that pays 45k/year or more. (i'm shooting for 300K, but i'll accept 85k)

Furthmore news:
this is more like a list of Movies that i want to see... or just feel like commenting on:
well there's a whooole lot more... but... It's time for bed.
until next time.....
stay groovy Flint Michigan Tropics!
btw i love the notebook hahha.
Tabby- yes. yes. and... Damn Notebook. hahahaha