Can we get the chemicals in
Old english is making me manic
I go to SuicideGirls again
To check on anything I missed
i never really noticed that before.
Had an interview yesterday. it went well.
I have 1 job right now, with another job potential coming up via this last interview, and.....
i have 3 jobs on the horizon. 2 of them i have to work for, the other i have to make sure is going to work.
Not to mention the 2 businesses i am trying to run while getting a name out for me and my friend's Business.
That last one is going to be a much LONGER process.
This week went by fast.
Spent $400 on my friend's happiness and effort to quit smoking.
he's now selling his Xbox360 and will be paying me back.
Had Ultimate on tuesday. it went okay. played with 2 new people. one girl was amazing. I want her to teach me what i cannot do. And her friend was... meh. but it's okay. we're good people to learn w/ and from.
Then came wednesday. Greg and I went to amherst and i bought him a $350 track bike. Fixed gear w/ free wheel option. It's actually pretty cool.
I brought my bike up from home... so he and I rode 18 miles on wednesday.
Then we had frisbee again on thursday.
My friend from school came afterwards and we went to this bar in Plymouth, Ma called the BBC.
or British Beer Company. They have a bunch of international beers.
My favorite is HOBGOBLIN.
but they were out.
We hung out there with greg, and my best friend liz, and her friend jenny who i haven't seen in ages.
it was a good time.
except greg was being mr. angry pants.
he assumes people are talking about him and making fun of him all the time.
it's hard to deal with.
Then we go to this 24hour bakery ... and we have... well... i had pie... and i wasn't too fond of it.
Jenny had egg on tomato basil bread. liz had a cookie.
then we called it a night and went home.
my friend from school, Olivier, stayed over and we watched ANYTHING ELSE.
it's a great woody allen movie, and Christina Ricci is in it. <3<3<3<3<3<3
that ended about 4:00am.
then we went to bed.
Wow. I am seriously giving this whole thing a bit by bit breakdown huh?
next morning greg leaves to go sell his xbox to this woman from brookline.
he leaves my house and 5 minutes later calls me.
he got 2 miles away and got a flat tire.
Not just a flat... but a sidewall gash.
so i have to go help him and call Allstate and bring him to the tire place.
and some reasonably attractive girl went to the tire place in her Pajamas.
I thought to myself... "wow, she has some nice boobs. Wow that is a nice ass.
WOAH! That is a ghetto booty! .... Meh. i still like it."
I think what really helped her cause is that she had a really cute face.
So got home made pasta w/ Olivier then he left to go home and I left for my interview.
It went Phenomenal!
Hopefully i get this part-time job @ Best Buy for 3 reasons.
1) i need more $$ to survive.
2) i need benefits. (Dental)....(Holy hand-grenades, i hate being without dental)
Watched the Sox game. Yay! they won in the 13th inning.
As my friend mike says, "Free baseball"
today is nice and sunny.
I'm supposed to go to a grad party.
dont know when i'm leaving for it.
i think i just saw a moth crawl out of my shoe???
well... relaxing for a bit. taking in this nice weather. then doing some yard work. then grad party.
hope everyone else is enjoying this overdue sunlight!
Old english is making me manic
I go to SuicideGirls again
To check on anything I missed
i never really noticed that before.
Had an interview yesterday. it went well.
I have 1 job right now, with another job potential coming up via this last interview, and.....
i have 3 jobs on the horizon. 2 of them i have to work for, the other i have to make sure is going to work.
Not to mention the 2 businesses i am trying to run while getting a name out for me and my friend's Business.
That last one is going to be a much LONGER process.
This week went by fast.
Spent $400 on my friend's happiness and effort to quit smoking.
he's now selling his Xbox360 and will be paying me back.
Had Ultimate on tuesday. it went okay. played with 2 new people. one girl was amazing. I want her to teach me what i cannot do. And her friend was... meh. but it's okay. we're good people to learn w/ and from.
Then came wednesday. Greg and I went to amherst and i bought him a $350 track bike. Fixed gear w/ free wheel option. It's actually pretty cool.
I brought my bike up from home... so he and I rode 18 miles on wednesday.
Then we had frisbee again on thursday.
My friend from school came afterwards and we went to this bar in Plymouth, Ma called the BBC.
or British Beer Company. They have a bunch of international beers.
My favorite is HOBGOBLIN.
but they were out.
We hung out there with greg, and my best friend liz, and her friend jenny who i haven't seen in ages.
it was a good time.
except greg was being mr. angry pants.
he assumes people are talking about him and making fun of him all the time.
it's hard to deal with.
Then we go to this 24hour bakery ... and we have... well... i had pie... and i wasn't too fond of it.
Jenny had egg on tomato basil bread. liz had a cookie.
then we called it a night and went home.
my friend from school, Olivier, stayed over and we watched ANYTHING ELSE.
it's a great woody allen movie, and Christina Ricci is in it. <3<3<3<3<3<3
that ended about 4:00am.
then we went to bed.
Wow. I am seriously giving this whole thing a bit by bit breakdown huh?
next morning greg leaves to go sell his xbox to this woman from brookline.
he leaves my house and 5 minutes later calls me.
he got 2 miles away and got a flat tire.
Not just a flat... but a sidewall gash.
so i have to go help him and call Allstate and bring him to the tire place.
and some reasonably attractive girl went to the tire place in her Pajamas.
I thought to myself... "wow, she has some nice boobs. Wow that is a nice ass.
WOAH! That is a ghetto booty! .... Meh. i still like it."
I think what really helped her cause is that she had a really cute face.
So got home made pasta w/ Olivier then he left to go home and I left for my interview.
It went Phenomenal!
Hopefully i get this part-time job @ Best Buy for 3 reasons.
1) i need more $$ to survive.
2) i need benefits. (Dental)....(Holy hand-grenades, i hate being without dental)
Watched the Sox game. Yay! they won in the 13th inning.
As my friend mike says, "Free baseball"
today is nice and sunny.
I'm supposed to go to a grad party.
dont know when i'm leaving for it.
i think i just saw a moth crawl out of my shoe???
well... relaxing for a bit. taking in this nice weather. then doing some yard work. then grad party.
hope everyone else is enjoying this overdue sunlight!
Technically frogs are carnivorous anyway. I mean... they're insectivores, but that is essentially the same thing as a carnivore, it strives to eat another living (moving) thing to survive.
I dont think it goes against nature. I think it's pretty radical that nature created something to compensate for a loss or gain of something else.
I didn't hear about these FAUX lady bugs.... but since you mention it... i did take a picture of a tree a couple years ago with all these beetles that LOOKED like lady bugs, but were longer in body. And they were SWARMING this tree. If a tree breathed through its trunk.... this tree would've suffocated and died.
The Eastern Spotted Salamander is an endangered species. They are black with Yellow spots.
I believe they are the largest in the North East but.... let me check on that.
okay. No definitive answer.
However... i guess they took it off the threatened/endangered species list.
which doesn't seem right.
but... anywhoo......
I usually find the red backed salamander all over my yard under rocks and logs and such.
cute little guys.
a three foot frog would scare off pesty neighborhood dogs.
That's actually something similar to what i wanted when i was a lad.
I wanted the 60lb rabbits.
just let them roam in the yard. What's going to eat them? honestly!
My cat is only 30lbs. MAX
granted i'm sure an owl can come and pick off my cat... or even a coyote could pick off my cat... but i dont know if an owl will be able to grab a 60lb bunny. that's like grabbing a 3rd grader!!! (except i didn't weigh 60lbs until i was in 5th grade)
Ohio is okay.
better than those other states out that way, like.... Iowa or Nebraska. UGH I HATE Nebraska!!
I stopped in Toledo and.... Cleveland. Saw a baseball game at Jacob's. Ate at Cooperstown.
Cleveland reminds me ALOT of Providence.
about what part are you from?
Question... why does your bro live six states away? what state?
and you go for it! channel that kid in you. I'll do the same... and channel my nephews.
drive them like slave children for my evil bidding.
OR just ask them to draw some pictures of toads.
I live about .. er. I don't know. North East Ohio. 45 minutes SE of Cleveland. Akron-ish .. rather, a suburb. .. I don't know why I just said I don't know where I live? .. Lol. Anyway, in the grand scheme .. that top corner-ish. Which .. made me laugh, when you drew up .. what was it, Iowa and Nevada? Er .. no. Nebraska. Same thing, to me. Those're all quite .. Western, comparatively. While I'm CALLED mid-west, I think I'm pretty eastern. We talk like it, act like it, live like it. The state looks like it .. etc. To me. Its bordering states are costal, I think? :/ I cling to the East as much as possible. I think I'm elitist in that sense. Haha.
My brother .. well, both of them. WEEEEEELLLLLLLLLL, .. technically now, there is a third, but he was born after they moved, so forgive me if I don't "count" him .. but anyway. My mom and brothers live in Alabama. My dad and his family live in Nevada. I am the only one who lives in Ohio. They moved away .. so it's not really like I -came- here .. so much as, .. I got left. But, referring back to that 'elitist' bit? I would never have moved to Alabama.
History lesson over. :]
Jacob's field is great. Except Progressive [the insurance company] bought it, so it's Progressive .. stadium? Or Progressive Field? Or something, now. Just like the freakin' Cavs now play in the Quicken Loans Arena. Hahaha. How .. pathetic.
Speaking of 60lb bunnies -- sort of. Not really. At all. .. --
.. I ALMOST bought a baby tortoise a couple months ago, because they were selling it at the local pet shop that's actually right next door to my piercer's shop. I forget which kind it was, but the only thing that held me back in the end was that I googled and adult one and it was .. NOT NEARLY as adorable. The baby they had was smaller than the palm of my hand, and the cutest freaking thing you ever saw. But the big one was. Well, it was a dinosaur. It would obviously outlive me by .. decades. Lifespan being 115 years or thereabouts, and me already being 20-some years in .. etc. So I was going to name it "Heirloom." Rofl. Because it'd obviously, inherently be one.
Your theory on the bunnies reminds me of the old bumper sticker they have floating around [that I actually bought when I was quite a bit bigger, myself] .. "Fat people are harder to kidnap." Good philosophy.