The good. The bad. And the Oddities.
Good things in my life right now (part 1): Red Sox have made it to the world series. They have beat the Rockies twice at home and head to Denver for game 3 on saturday. I am not sure how we will fare out there in the rocky mountains.... but I'm grateful for the last 2 wins!
I am still alive. That's always a good thing. But what isn't so good, but is at the same time... is My best friend was hit in a head on collision by some stupid teenage girl without a license. Not only did she hit him head on... but it's on a highway that has a metal barrier guard rail in the center of the highway. So... how she managed to drive the wrong way is beyond me.... Oh WAIT! No it's not! She's a female driver.. (A) ... and (B) she's a stupid teenager.
(now... I'm not saying all women are bad drivers... just most of them. I've been with too many to know.) And... they're even worse when they're teenage girl drivers. Granted ALL teenagers think they're invincible when they get their license.... (except me... my best friend drove me into a river 7 months prior to me getting mine)...
ANYWHOO... Back on track here.... So this stupid girl drove the wrong way... didn't even slow down hit my friend head on with his girlfriend in the car and it spun the car around a bit. he made her get out of the car and call 911. he was sore and started climbing out the passenger side door when his girlfriend screamed as a pickup truck came barrelling into his car T-boning him. Had he not already crawled into the passenger side he'd be dead. after getting hit a second time he finally managed to crawl out and walk to the side of the road.... All the while having broken his back (literally) and walking on sprained ankles, knees, and shins. This guy is a trooper. Things could've been much much worse... but i am very glad that he's alive and walking. (with a brace, a cane, and therapy)
If you're a teenage girl w/o your license... i swear if i see you... i will oull you out of your car and call your mother and the police and make sure you dont kill anyone.
Now I'm sure you thought that could've gone into the BAD category... but no. I am happy to see he's alive. So it's a good thing despite the badness.
The BAD: I have 3 women in my life... make that 4 women in my life right now that I can't live without.
My best friend.
My sort of girlfriend
My (wish she had been my) girlfriend .................&
My Ex.
This makes things difficult for my sorta girlfriend who I am always getting shit from.
I mean.. they ARE legitimate complaints and all... but... I've heard it all too often now. It's actually making me want to go do the things she thinks I'm doing in the first place.
So... to be more elaborate, My sorta current GF was jealous of my Best female friend because we spend lots of time together. the short of this morale story is: My sort of current GF is a paranoid moron! But I love her dearly.
The same sort of current GF (which i will now shorten to s.c.g.f. or scgf) has a problem with a girl i used to like long before i was ever involved with her. Of course... this is how it is with girls. (or so I've seen)
The girl i liked long ago disappeared due to relationship status. Then they break up ... and a year later we're hanging out again. She's sweet and funny and has a gross sense of humor like me... and she's gorgeous.... and all my friends say she's better for me than scgf. However... I tell them... no no no... I'm going to try to put some effort into scgf. But when I do that... it just seems to scgf that I'm really covering up for the fact that I like her. (which is true....) BUT.. I have no shot with her (because her ex is back on the scene)
So....Therefore ixnay on the Old wanting female friend.
Finally... this is the kicker... my ex.... Which is a long story but i'll give you the short version.....
My ex broke up with me (kind of forced to) when her mom caught us in the act while she was supposed to be home sick from school. (this was 4 years ago... she's now about to graduate college) Her mom caught us.. sent me home.. and then my ex was forced to break up with me. a year goes by.. i should've gone to her see her on her birthday but i couldn't and the very next weekend she goes out to seattle and meets the man who would eventually become her fiance. Once he does actually propose she drops all contact with me saying it wouldn't be a good idea to stay in touch because he might be jealous or something odd weird like that... after a year long engagement and after several provocative wedding photos.... he dumps her. out of the blue so she says. ....... when this happens I have a dream... I'll spare you the details for now... I send her a message and find out my dream was correct. He did dump her. Now she's single. Now that she's single she's talking to me again. She wants me to visit her in NYC. Which I'm going to do next weekend. She's also having heart surgery in Nov. (oh... and... her brother was the one fore mentioned in the car accident.).
So... I'm feeling a lot of "pity" for their family.
So... moving on... ......... SCGF is upset that i am even conversing with an Ex who I was in love with, but understands (or so she says) that it's a hard situation because the fact that i care for this person still and she's having open heart surgery.
Granted.. I shouldn't be led into temptation like i am... but i'm a fool for love.
and I owe this girl a lot.
SCGF has been nagging and prodding and getting in cracks of my life i never asked her to be in... and I'm getting sick of it .... again.
we'll see what happens. I still have to go to a wedding with her.. and she planned a trip for the two of us to go to disney the day after xmas.
oh well. free trip to disney.
Also bad news... at least 3 of my friends are alcoholics. only 1 of them truly realizes it and is smart about the way he drinks. (most of the time) But... He won't EVER get behind a wheel if he can't drive... but if he's asked to... he'll sober up and stop drinking. This is the SMART alcoholic.
The other 2... have now both received DUIs.
one was in the military.. the other not.
The one that was in the military is my BFFL. (hahaha)
He is dating my best female friend who SCGF was mad at once upon a time.
He used to be in love with my best female friend... but when she broke up with him he never forgave her... she came back to him when she realized he was the best thing for her... and since then.. he hasn't opened up to her and has treated her like a real dick on a stick over a flame. (that's a whole lot of analogy for ya)
So... they might break up soon.. and I'm not sure how that's going to go... because A) I am super protective of her and won't let any other guy get close to her...because no one will be good enough for her... and B) my D-bag of a best friend may one day realize he's a D-bag and an alcoholic and try to change his ways... but who knows, right?
The ODDITIES: my old friend who i once wanted to date basically asked me to do her in the future. (weird because of past and present circumstances)
my ex wants me to visit her.
my SCGF won't come over when i ask... but shows up when i dont want her around.
(is that a girl thing... or a psycho thing?)
my "roommate" (as we call him) claims there are fleas in my room.
If there are... they came from him. I haven't seen one.
I think he's smoking too much near my woods out back and getting an aphid or two on him and freaking out.
The GOOD (part 1 contd.): I saved 3 baby turtles from being run over on the road (obviously) and now they are living in my kitchen in a big metal bowl and they are soo cute!
their names are
Davey Crockett
Daniel Boon
Jim Bowie
I love them.
However... they haven't been eating much... if there's anyone that knows what to feed North Eastern spotted turtles.... please tell me... i've already caught flies, moths, cut up worms and meal worms... and ...they're still not taking.
Well... It's 1:36 am and I should go to bed.
Goodnight SG Blog!
Good things in my life right now (part 1): Red Sox have made it to the world series. They have beat the Rockies twice at home and head to Denver for game 3 on saturday. I am not sure how we will fare out there in the rocky mountains.... but I'm grateful for the last 2 wins!
I am still alive. That's always a good thing. But what isn't so good, but is at the same time... is My best friend was hit in a head on collision by some stupid teenage girl without a license. Not only did she hit him head on... but it's on a highway that has a metal barrier guard rail in the center of the highway. So... how she managed to drive the wrong way is beyond me.... Oh WAIT! No it's not! She's a female driver.. (A) ... and (B) she's a stupid teenager.
(now... I'm not saying all women are bad drivers... just most of them. I've been with too many to know.) And... they're even worse when they're teenage girl drivers. Granted ALL teenagers think they're invincible when they get their license.... (except me... my best friend drove me into a river 7 months prior to me getting mine)...
ANYWHOO... Back on track here.... So this stupid girl drove the wrong way... didn't even slow down hit my friend head on with his girlfriend in the car and it spun the car around a bit. he made her get out of the car and call 911. he was sore and started climbing out the passenger side door when his girlfriend screamed as a pickup truck came barrelling into his car T-boning him. Had he not already crawled into the passenger side he'd be dead. after getting hit a second time he finally managed to crawl out and walk to the side of the road.... All the while having broken his back (literally) and walking on sprained ankles, knees, and shins. This guy is a trooper. Things could've been much much worse... but i am very glad that he's alive and walking. (with a brace, a cane, and therapy)
If you're a teenage girl w/o your license... i swear if i see you... i will oull you out of your car and call your mother and the police and make sure you dont kill anyone.
Now I'm sure you thought that could've gone into the BAD category... but no. I am happy to see he's alive. So it's a good thing despite the badness.
The BAD: I have 3 women in my life... make that 4 women in my life right now that I can't live without.
My best friend.
My sort of girlfriend
My (wish she had been my) girlfriend .................&
My Ex.
This makes things difficult for my sorta girlfriend who I am always getting shit from.
I mean.. they ARE legitimate complaints and all... but... I've heard it all too often now. It's actually making me want to go do the things she thinks I'm doing in the first place.
So... to be more elaborate, My sorta current GF was jealous of my Best female friend because we spend lots of time together. the short of this morale story is: My sort of current GF is a paranoid moron! But I love her dearly.
The same sort of current GF (which i will now shorten to s.c.g.f. or scgf) has a problem with a girl i used to like long before i was ever involved with her. Of course... this is how it is with girls. (or so I've seen)
The girl i liked long ago disappeared due to relationship status. Then they break up ... and a year later we're hanging out again. She's sweet and funny and has a gross sense of humor like me... and she's gorgeous.... and all my friends say she's better for me than scgf. However... I tell them... no no no... I'm going to try to put some effort into scgf. But when I do that... it just seems to scgf that I'm really covering up for the fact that I like her. (which is true....) BUT.. I have no shot with her (because her ex is back on the scene)
So....Therefore ixnay on the Old wanting female friend.
Finally... this is the kicker... my ex.... Which is a long story but i'll give you the short version.....
My ex broke up with me (kind of forced to) when her mom caught us in the act while she was supposed to be home sick from school. (this was 4 years ago... she's now about to graduate college) Her mom caught us.. sent me home.. and then my ex was forced to break up with me. a year goes by.. i should've gone to her see her on her birthday but i couldn't and the very next weekend she goes out to seattle and meets the man who would eventually become her fiance. Once he does actually propose she drops all contact with me saying it wouldn't be a good idea to stay in touch because he might be jealous or something odd weird like that... after a year long engagement and after several provocative wedding photos.... he dumps her. out of the blue so she says. ....... when this happens I have a dream... I'll spare you the details for now... I send her a message and find out my dream was correct. He did dump her. Now she's single. Now that she's single she's talking to me again. She wants me to visit her in NYC. Which I'm going to do next weekend. She's also having heart surgery in Nov. (oh... and... her brother was the one fore mentioned in the car accident.).
So... I'm feeling a lot of "pity" for their family.
So... moving on... ......... SCGF is upset that i am even conversing with an Ex who I was in love with, but understands (or so she says) that it's a hard situation because the fact that i care for this person still and she's having open heart surgery.
Granted.. I shouldn't be led into temptation like i am... but i'm a fool for love.
and I owe this girl a lot.
SCGF has been nagging and prodding and getting in cracks of my life i never asked her to be in... and I'm getting sick of it .... again.
we'll see what happens. I still have to go to a wedding with her.. and she planned a trip for the two of us to go to disney the day after xmas.
oh well. free trip to disney.
Also bad news... at least 3 of my friends are alcoholics. only 1 of them truly realizes it and is smart about the way he drinks. (most of the time) But... He won't EVER get behind a wheel if he can't drive... but if he's asked to... he'll sober up and stop drinking. This is the SMART alcoholic.
The other 2... have now both received DUIs.
one was in the military.. the other not.
The one that was in the military is my BFFL. (hahaha)
He is dating my best female friend who SCGF was mad at once upon a time.
He used to be in love with my best female friend... but when she broke up with him he never forgave her... she came back to him when she realized he was the best thing for her... and since then.. he hasn't opened up to her and has treated her like a real dick on a stick over a flame. (that's a whole lot of analogy for ya)
So... they might break up soon.. and I'm not sure how that's going to go... because A) I am super protective of her and won't let any other guy get close to her...because no one will be good enough for her... and B) my D-bag of a best friend may one day realize he's a D-bag and an alcoholic and try to change his ways... but who knows, right?
The ODDITIES: my old friend who i once wanted to date basically asked me to do her in the future. (weird because of past and present circumstances)
my ex wants me to visit her.
my SCGF won't come over when i ask... but shows up when i dont want her around.
(is that a girl thing... or a psycho thing?)
my "roommate" (as we call him) claims there are fleas in my room.
If there are... they came from him. I haven't seen one.
I think he's smoking too much near my woods out back and getting an aphid or two on him and freaking out.
The GOOD (part 1 contd.): I saved 3 baby turtles from being run over on the road (obviously) and now they are living in my kitchen in a big metal bowl and they are soo cute!
their names are
Davey Crockett
Daniel Boon
Jim Bowie
I love them.
However... they haven't been eating much... if there's anyone that knows what to feed North Eastern spotted turtles.... please tell me... i've already caught flies, moths, cut up worms and meal worms... and ...they're still not taking.
Well... It's 1:36 am and I should go to bed.
Goodnight SG Blog!
Its more of a disrespectful thing. Frankly, its kind of a bitch move (takes one to know one) taking for granted you'll just be around when she wants you to be.