Hey there, hi there, ho there! Wow, I have got to start posting more often! I have a computer now so there's really no excuse. Alright, alright...it's Myspace!!! I'm an addict I swear.*clears throat* Anywho, things have been well, a little confusing lately. You know when you end a relationship with someone and a little while later, they come back apologizing and saying they really...
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Sooo sick. I feel like I've just been hit by a truck. Everyone at the preschool told me I'd prolly get sick in my first few months working there. They weren't lyin'. So now I'm pumpin myself full of NyQuil and vitamin C in the hopes of feeling at least a lil better by tomorrow so I can go out for a much needed night...
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I hope you are feeling better now. There is this stuff that a teacher came up with the help build up your immune system so you wont get sick alot. I forget what its called. gee thats really helpful isnt it?
hi hunni how are you long time no speak
Ahh, isn't it funny how life can be so good one minute and so fuckin shitty the next? It never fails I swear. Anna and I are done. Theres just too much drama that comes along with being involved with her. So we called it quits. We weren't together that long so I'm truly suprised at how much it hurts. I guess it doesn't matter...
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hey you. thanks for the b day wishes. sorry to hear about the sadness. hang in there. enjoy the new tattoo and glad to hear you love your job. that is always a good thing. take care and hope you feel better soon!
Holy mother of Pearl!!! It's been so long that I don't even know how to get around this new and improved site yet! It's quite the pain in the ass not having a computer, and now that I live so far away from Rob, it's hard to get a chance to update. Things are really good though. I just got a new job, working in...
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So glad to hear that its all going well for you 

Thanks for the note. Things are getting better around here. Whereabouts are you in NYS (if only 20 mins or so from Geneva)? Maybe you and your roomie could meet up with me and my g/f sometime and hang out.
Hello all!! Oh gosh, it's been so long since I've updated! Things are going pretty good. My cheap ass hasn't gotten my internet service up since I moved from my old place. I'm at Robs now, so I decided to drop a quick line. Just hangin' out, havin' a few beers. Wow, things have certainly been different for me lately. Besides the move and having...
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hey hunni where are you haven't heard from you for ages
let me know i miss you
let me know i miss you
ok, not enough people active in the UpstateSGNY Group for my liking so i'm going around letting people know that there are new members to the group who would feel more welcome if they actually got a few "welcomes."
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner

Hello all! It's been oh so long since I've updated. Been super busy lately.I just moved in with my new roommate, Marcy. I think it's gonna be good. Of course it's gonna take some getting used to, but I'm excited. Everthing is good with me and Rob. We've talked things out and things are going well. Thanks for all the advice and well wishes, you...
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so glad that everything seems to be going really well for you 

Hola! Are you still in the 'cuse or are you in Berlin?
Just wondering how things are and if you were planning on attending this year's Taste of Syracuse.
Just wondering how things are and if you were planning on attending this year's Taste of Syracuse.
So I'm in this huge fight with Rob, which really sucks cause he's like my best friend. I don't know how long it's gonna last. He's really pissed because he thinks I'm trying to steal his job. He pierces at a studio in our town, and I'm there when he's not. Kinda like a backup piercer. Anyway, the guy who runs the place asked me...
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i hope everything works out for you!!! i'm sure you'd do a bang-up job holding down the fort for the owner, its obviously a huge compliment that the owner would like you do so... i'm sure you're worth it, but i'm sure i'd do the same thing in your position... but it does sound like its a good job.... good luck!
welcome to Girls Only. please read the sticky threads at the top of the list, and jump right in! 

Hello all. Things are actually happening and I'm so excited! For a while I just felt like I was in such a rut. But things are good now. I'm moving in with a friend soon, which is really cool. I haven't talked to her in almost a year and then I ran into her mom the other day. We got to talking and turns out...
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Well Fetid Felicitations Miley!
Thank you for your interest in THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, where Horror is only as good as the obsessed fans...And Hollywood is Hell!
It is a matter of 13 questions that we ask in order to come into the fold, where all ya gotta do is just do what you are told..
Seriously...Lookin foward to new blood...
Your Gorewhore,

Well Fetid Felicitations Miley!
Thank you for your interest in THE ABOMINABLE APOTHECARY, where Horror is only as good as the obsessed fans...And Hollywood is Hell!
It is a matter of 13 questions that we ask in order to come into the fold, where all ya gotta do is just do what you are told..
Seriously...Lookin foward to new blood...
Your Gorewhore,

yes nice hot bath it was and i'm soon off for another one too a long hard day at work i think i deserve one
new name.
new pic.
new leaf.

new pic.
new leaf.

i like the new pic
and also the red nails
and also the red nails

the new pic looks good i think i shall take your example and turn over a new leaf too
So, where to begin? The weather is absolutley fabulous, I'm in love with spring. It seems like the winter has just been dragging on. Things are going rather well for me. School is decent, considering I'm only taking one class. It gives me a lot of time to just relax and hang out. I did my first scarification piece last week. Rob let me scalpel...
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we have shows once a month.. Ill keep ya updated!

yeah things to happen for a reason...just look at Lyric and I

Things are decent latley. I'm getting excited about spring time. Right now it's snowing outside which is a real bummer but I'm hopeful for sunshine soon. I've been talking to my ex quite often for the past few weeks. I think that maybe we can work past this whole thing. At first I was sure that I didn't even want to, that there was pretty...
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so glad things are going well for you
and as for the ex...always best to keep a open mind on these things.

and as for the ex...always best to keep a open mind on these things.
glad you are doing well
So today is pretty nice out. Fuckin' cold but sunshiney at least. Things are going good lately. My cousin and her husband are up from S. Carolina for a visit. I want to get together later tonight for a drink or something so that should be fun. Beside that things are pretty ho-hum around here. Me and rob are getting ready to go to the...
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yes i am also glad to hear that i haven't hurt myself in a while glad to hear that you are enjoying sunny but cold days
Oh, your animals are so cute!
hunni to me it sounds like anna doesn't know what the hell she wants and you need to ask her and if she can't be honest with you you'd be better off without her harsh words i know but ive been messed around before and i dont wanna see you get hurt