Now is the time of seasons change
from summer to fall and fall to winter
The world falls asleep, in an endless white dream.
people gather closer, to feel the warmth of another
but there are those who are akin to snow
those with hearts that derive power from cold.
They look upon the endless fields of white
as the world slumbers through deadly nights....
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After watching The Avengers last night (again for the millionth time), I needed to write about how I feel. About how superheroes are still relevant and embody ideals we should strive and hope for. Ideals that are currently lacking in society as a whole.

We need heroes in our society, or in any society, for a very simple reason - because they give us someone...
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Been a while since I was on but I'm back to let everyone know I'm not dead......yet, not dead yet. (Although my liver is.)
To all the Nerds, Techies, Geeks and software junkies out there, I have just installed Windows 7 and it is FUCKING AWESOME.
OK, I just found out I can watch all 8 series of Red Dwarf on Netflix......and now my night is booked.
oh man, i love that show.
watched it all the time growing up.
Same here. Have you seen the new episodes that came out this year?
Well some cool person reactivated my account out of the blue. To that person whoever they may be I say thank you.
Ah....the new Within Temptation album is so good I have to say it in another language. Das ist zehr gut! ARRR!!!