So, July ENDS. I never think it will most years... I have many associations with this month that affirm my hatred of people in general, but it fades a little with each day as the the weather grows favorably colder.
My mother was born July 11th, 1949. She died from a mixture of psychiatric prescriptions and alcohol on the the 15th of this same month....
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kiss You have come so very far from "then." You delve into heavy stuff here...And you are quite strong to do so!

[Edited on Aug 15, 2004 6:20AM]
Some months back, I visited the apartment of two friends I met from work. One a coworker, Mary, the other her girlfriend, Carrie.
I had only one friend in this city for the two years I'd been living here, that being my bandmate and close friend of eight years, Pete. I was unadjusted to the whole "socializing" thing and had forgotten what it meant for...
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The Listening... how much talking I do to hear myself talk. All the while forcing my attention away from that which I should be hearing. I interrupt. I 'interject'. I destroy other peoples' train of thought.
The teachers who'd SCREAM at me to wake up in elementary school while my head was in Disneyland or some such shit... if I'd really absorbed what my attention...
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I sit rainsoaked from my walk home from work exuding stink. The dying halogen bulbs in the hallway to my bedroom click and flicker over the steady metronome drip of my faucet. the droning hum of the cooling fan and the whir of loading processes on my computer join the improvisation. This is the animus I wish to capture. I envy the talent of my...
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Hey there! If it isn't one of my favorite inspired talents! You have a very evokative command of language as well as tone and beat, BTW. wink
I unplugged my answering machine a few days ago, knowing the advent of Thanksgiving was here and my entire retard genepool would be leaving messages inviting me to a family dinner. This was the smartest thing I have done to avoid my family ever, and I believe I'll be keeping that fucker turned off all holiday season.
No whining messages from my Jewish grandmother in...
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Ache, ache, ache... I am sitting writing this entry techniocally two days after a gruelling TWENTY-TWO-HOUR slog of nonstop activity.
On Tuesday morning I got out of bed at 5 am, got cleaned up, groomed and clothed, walked twenty minutes to Tenley Station and got on the train to school. Rush hour in D.C. is alot worse than I remember it being, say, one year...
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I work seventy hours a week at a coffee shop and bar, and have been since I moved to D.C. Caffeine and alcohol are the two most boring, P.G.-rated drugs on earth and yet still the most "popular" solely because they are LEGAL. I like real drugs, and know for a FACT that all the pussified masses I serve on a daily basis could SERIOUSLY...
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I have been bitching up and down at this website for two months after renewing my membership because I couldn't log in. Sending one complaint after the other with NO RESPONSE WHATSOEVER. I was typing my password and username correctly and had cookies enabled, WHAT WAS THE FUCKING PROBLEM? NORTON FUCKING UTILITIES, that's what.
Apparently, the anti virus program I pay fifteen bucks a month...
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whoa, hombre. im not going anywhere except home for the holidays. haha. and thanks for the compliments! yeah i go to GWU in foggy bottom. tag me a message and tell me whats up more often.
Well, I've been meaning to keep a regular journal all year, and, to an extent, I've been good at it, I just hate buying notebooks all the time. I'll keep one here starting today, instead and let it be personal and honest as always, I suppose (if not all that friendly).
Today I went to see the third installment of films in the Cremaster Cycle....
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hey mister im moving to DC and on the search thing it said you were the only person living there which i think is a crock of shit but thats not the only reason im leaving a comment i think you might be pretty cool too. tell me about the DC situation will i love it or hate it or love it because i hate it or what.
Shit Magnet might get made into a movie. smile
Fad Gadget, Cop Shoot Cop, and Coil. Neat-o.