1. I never, ever wear underwear. I think they're disgusting. 2. I binge watch shameless like it's going out of style. 3. I get incredibly lonely, but I'm a bit of an introvert. 4. I sing in the shower, loud. 5. I bake all the time. 6. I'm a Susie homemaker. I love to make a house feel like home. Matching decor,candles, fresh sheets and made beds and dinner as a family. ❤ 7. I wear nothing but lavender essential oil to bed. 8. I have to have cheese with my wine 😂 9. Jack Daniels is my drink of choice. 10. I used to work for Flirt Club (a branch of girls gone wild, the promoting side of it) and I traveled around to bars and drank and did shows and made some kickass memories. @bloghomework