Well this is it, my last hoorah!
I apologize for my previous message sounding so jolly, because I'm anything but.
I appreciate everyone I've met on here and the people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I've learned a lot of things (like why I DONT want to be a sg) and know it's time for me to move on. My chapter is ending and all i can do now is pick up the broken pieces of what's left of me and try to move on. I'm not sure what I did to deserve what I'm going through now, but I'm sure I've done something wrong. Maybe it's karma for my bad gossiping habit. Who know's what'll happen to me or where I'll end up.
I wanted to wish you all the best. If you want to msg me on my myspace or on aim, if you have my sn, that would be fine. I don't know if I'll answer, we'll see.
I really wish I could hide until things blow over but since I can't, removing myself from everything is the best I can do now.
I'm sorry.
Good luck everyone,
I apologize for my previous message sounding so jolly, because I'm anything but.
I appreciate everyone I've met on here and the people I wouldn't have met otherwise. I've learned a lot of things (like why I DONT want to be a sg) and know it's time for me to move on. My chapter is ending and all i can do now is pick up the broken pieces of what's left of me and try to move on. I'm not sure what I did to deserve what I'm going through now, but I'm sure I've done something wrong. Maybe it's karma for my bad gossiping habit. Who know's what'll happen to me or where I'll end up.
I wanted to wish you all the best. If you want to msg me on my myspace or on aim, if you have my sn, that would be fine. I don't know if I'll answer, we'll see.
I really wish I could hide until things blow over but since I can't, removing myself from everything is the best I can do now.
I'm sorry.
Good luck everyone,

Renji adores his Miaka............ this is where it started...
I echo stephean. See you on the flipside! (if you're there)