You probably don't even think you're doing anything wrong. You probably think you're right. You probably should look at yourself. Stop hurting people to make yourself feel like you are doing something. You are doing nothing. People should not talk to you.
If you are addressing yourself, STOP IT!!

If you are addressing me, fair enough.

If there is a third party involved, I am sorry they did this to you.

If there is a Fourth Reich, I predicted it after the Wall came down.

If there is a Fifth Estate, it is the cleaners.
In response to your query, the roommate in question was Josh.
are you comming down anytime soon? shocked
You look a lot hotter than Ozzy every did wink.

A couple of months ago, I found out I'm on my parents' insurance for the rest of my life...go figure surreal

Did it feel weird getting a tattoo on your ass?
i can't tell which one is which...
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving! bok biggrin bok
I'm in pain, a plain jane window-pane, where quiverring thighs exchanged with swollen eyes. Of course in time realized.
Bye bye Hun...

wanted to say bye to you since I'm out.
not gonna be doing much with my journal.

I might stop in to see if I need to reply to anyone.
but gonna just not bother most the time till it's done.

I'll talk to you anyway I'm sure.

but just wanted to leave a personal message here.

hey meany...did you miss me? tongue
HI. I barely come home to update this stuff lately. I've been busy.. I'm super tired today too. I booked a show that was here last night.. and it was wonderfultastic. It was Kayo Dot and it was worth staying up until 2 am on a work night. When I walked up to the venue.. Hot Like A Robot was standing outside.. they just got...
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Hey there girl. You ever coming back to Portland?
How's life anyway?
How did you like your ltd probably not much if you sold it. I have an EC-1000 that I love. Anyways just thought Id say hi

Hello there everyone!

I have an ESP (LTD) Viper (V-301), black, solid neck, white flag inlays and EMG pickups. It has a custom LTD (esp) case. The whole shebang for $350 plus shipping and handling.. I'm not sure the cost, but I don't think it's too high and this guitar is in perfect condition and well worth it.
Email with any interest....
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I would but I play bass and berimbau....
Don't sell your instrument. I hate when musicians do that. It makes me frown .
Hey, check out this band if you haven't already. Daughters! they are freaking great. Also, I have a band booked to play here in Idaho next month who is also awesome.. they are Kayo Dot, formerly Maudlin of the Well.

I saw Zao and Every Time I Die the other night. It was cool enough. Yeah. and then made pumpkin seeds.

Last week...
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eternal sunshine is great stuff.

as for my day? it was great.
i listened to dean martin and the rolling stones.
daughters is amazing.

good call.
HELP ME with this... you can post your answers numbered here in my journal, or you could copy and paste this and email the answers to me if you wish them to remain confidential. I am just looking for some knowledge and brew some ideas... There is a possiblity I will be asking you to share yourself and your information in a future project.

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1 The guy who every girl says is attractive and nice, but none of them want to date. It's like high school forever.
2 My biggest accomplishment has yet to be realized
3 The same.
4 Other than ones that have actually happened, there was one a few weeks ago involving me and a friend(I cannot remember who) trying to stop some evil corporation from unveiling something, but we were too late and I ran.
5 Yes
6 More, and that's about as much as I know.
7 The two most annoying things in the world are people who shove their beliefs onto others and people who actively ignore aspects of themselves to stay cool.
8 Accepting of my humor
9 Humor
10 Ignorance is any situation you can't find the humor in
11 Religion and politcs
12 They're mine, and as long as you don't try to shove yours on me, I won't try to shove mine onto you.
13 Girls who read books
14 I don't know.
15 I'm at the point where I think everyone knows what I think.
16 Everyone has helped outside of the few who lie to themselves every day about every aspect of their lives.
17 I'm me, and thinking in terms of majority or minorty only hurts society. I'm a white liberal male with long hair who has never smoked pot and doesn't have any plans on it. I like to think of myself as having style, but I hate the wod metrosexual and think it's a stupid social label.
18 Emotional and physical distances.
19 I'm not quite sure what the question means. I like to drink, but I prefer reading.
20 My work ethic, my abs, and my waking state.

1 How do you view yourself within society?
Outcast with Anarchic ideals for a better society
2 What do you feel has been your biggest accomplishment?
So far being told I am great in bed by every woman I've been with (which is 2 LOL), but I am still working on what I think would be my biggest thing (making a video game)
3 Contribution? Same?
Probably the ones to the Open Source movement (you'll understand if you're a computer geek).
4 Describe your most memorable dream.
hmmm had many precognitive ones in my life, but the two that stick the most are one were I had sex with a german whore in a bus, and one where I had sex with a cousin on some house entrance.
5 Do you have any idea what you want to do with your life?
6 If yes, what? If no, did you ever know?
if you want to keep it real then, make video games, if I can list a fantasy setting it would be to travel around europe I think, for some reason I feel I would do a lot better there than I do here.

7 What are your individual beliefs?
I believe life sucks , but its in our hands to make it worth it
8 What do you find most in common with your friends/aquantances?
they're all male?
9 What are you passionate about?
my eternal seacrh for the truth and knowledge
10 Define ignorance.
refusing knowledge, believing there is nothing else to learn, not questioning anything.
11 What do you find, in general, most people are ignorant about?
That the purpose of life is to find each one's individual happiness.
12 What are your thoughts/beliefs on religeon?
I am an agnostic, I thry to make the most of this life because for all I know, there is nothing there after you die
Now I have to go back and fix 7 wink
13 What makes you happy?
Coding, Money (or rather the stuff I get with it), Sleeping till 1:00pm, the fuzzy feeling you get right after you awake from a great dream, thinking of someone special, feeling that someone cares about me, You wink
14 Do you feel content? How? If not, do you wish to be?
Somehow, yes, I wish I was, but I realize it is imposible, it is in our nature to always want more, and moments of happines only last so long, happines is probably the most addictive drug, along with orgasms smile
15 What kind of things do you think about that you think no one else does or that nobody knows about you?
I spend a lot fo time thinking about all kinds of stuff, god, or rather the lack of, human behaviour, mind control devices, telepathy, telekinesis, time travel, multiple dimensions, consiousness, wondering how come no one has invested on the robotic love doll market, is there an afterlife? do ghosts really exist? are they just our minds playing pranks on us, what is the human mind capable of? am I crazy or is everyone else but me? would it be possibe to replace each one of my bones with metal replicas so I can live forever or at least be 80 and still be at a 100% endurance and looking 26, etc, etc, etc.
16 Who has helped you? Who has hindered you?
Dave Mustaine lyrics, in particular "In my Darkest Hour".
My family, which all have a "mindless subordinate drone" metality, when I think I was born to lead.
17 Do you feel you are a majority or a minority? Why?
Minority, because if I was a mayority, I would think I had more friends (which lets face it, you always have less friends than you think you do)
18 Is there anything that you think separates you from anyone else?
everything and nothing, I can hold a conversation with anyone, which separates sets me apart , yet together because I relate to them.
19 How important do you feel education is to livlihood?
it is important, but you cant educate those who do not want to learn
20 Name 3 things you want to change about yourself.
my lack of a soulmate, my geographycal location, and my lousy grammar and spelling skills.

Have fun smile
What kind of love life will you have?

I had a fun weekend hanging out with the friends and whatnot.. got to see Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower. I made veggie lasagne and played Texas Hold'em. neat.
last time i saw plot to blow up the eiffel tower, the singer got in a shoving match with a fat kid in a limp bizkit t-shirt who thought it was funny to call the singer a 'faggot' between every song. i believe it was at that point three 400 pound bouncers picked the kid up and (literally) threw him out the front door.

hehehe cute! you fooled me! smile