So i have been really busy lately. and i can't get on SG at work so i haven't been online much. I'm sorry. i was working two jobs, but my full time job slowed down allot and i was going home early every night. so i decided to quit it and take the other job full time since it is closer to my house and pays better. i really miss all the people at my old job. but i like this new job too. i just have to remember not to take things personal at the graphics job. if someone doesn't like something. its not that i didn't do a good job. its just not their cup of tea. everyone is different. So anyway. yeah thats my update. i work at a print shop as a graphic artist. it kicks butt! and my sets go up in march first one on the 2rd second one(my fave) goes up on march 23rd so keep a look out for those! and otherwise just keep in touch k! i check this thing all the time but rarely have time to sit down and type to anyone.
Lots of Love,
Lady Suicide
Lots of Love,
Lady Suicide

Glad the job situation is sorting out well - looking forward to your sets. 

i can't wait to see your set!!!