"The Aneristic Principle is that of APPARENT ORDER; the Eristic Principle is that of APPARENT DISORDER. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of PURE CHAOS, which is a level deeper that is the level of distinction making.
With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give us. The ideas-about- reality...
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With our concept making apparatus called "mind" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give us. The ideas-about- reality...
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Walking circles in sleep
Till I can't get out
Of ruts in the floor.
Ground grooves and glass.
These walls are worn
On bent shoulders,
A cloak of routine
Weighs each ponderous step
With a lining of lead.
When eyes fall
Beneath floorboards
I stop and climb out.
Time to wind
The next ring around
and around
This one won't cross its own path
Till I can't get out
Of ruts in the floor.
Ground grooves and glass.
These walls are worn
On bent shoulders,
A cloak of routine
Weighs each ponderous step
With a lining of lead.
When eyes fall
Beneath floorboards
I stop and climb out.
Time to wind
The next ring around
and around
This one won't cross its own path
we dance this dance;
our only escape from the graceless tries.
a trying time to be out of step
is when you dance with others.
first right, then follow left.
your feet match mine
in my attempt to fly.
We trace circles around the floor,
stepping in and out of time
the way only long distance travellers
know or intuit how.
what are any of...
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our only escape from the graceless tries.
a trying time to be out of step
is when you dance with others.
first right, then follow left.
your feet match mine
in my attempt to fly.
We trace circles around the floor,
stepping in and out of time
the way only long distance travellers
know or intuit how.
what are any of...
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"My eyes are like radishes, spicy and cold. let me see your teeth my friend, and you can taste everything I 've seen."
- Cerberus Shoal
If only it were so and I could feed the world on other than word salad. What a feast we would have, though I would miss being able to see.
- Cerberus Shoal
If only it were so and I could feed the world on other than word salad. What a feast we would have, though I would miss being able to see.
I have been pondering over truth quite a bit of late, specifically its subjectivity. By placing a truth in another context it does not always remain true (or meaningful). Reality seems to have different meanings for all of us. Yet there are some truths as to how things seem to appear which seem to hold true for most of us. To me this is the...
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It is important (I believe) to maintain a clear distinction between metaphysics/ontology and epistemology. Metaphysics and ontology are concerned with what is... epistemology is concerned with how we can (if we can) know what is. You talk about "subjective truth", but there is no such thing. Truth deals with what *is*, not what we *believe* is. Unless you're prepared to argue that the real world changes according to our beliefs about it, of course... but you're not going to argue that, are you?
The mere fact that something appears true to me, while its opposite appears true to you, has no relevance to whether it is in fact true or false. Unless the "real world" doesn't exist outside of our perceptions of it...
The mere fact that something appears true to me, while its opposite appears true to you, has no relevance to whether it is in fact true or false. Unless the "real world" doesn't exist outside of our perceptions of it...
"There are trivial truths and there are great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true."
- Niels Bohr
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate."
- William of Ockham
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
- Hamlet
"Mystery can never be defined. Yet it is...
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- Niels Bohr
"Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate."
- William of Ockham
"There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy"
- Hamlet
"Mystery can never be defined. Yet it is...
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Life is strange. I post long comments on books, life, etc... and nobody has much to say. But insult rats, and look at the response I get!!
My anti-rat comment was not a suggestion that rats are any less likely than other biological forms. It was a personal complaint to Whoever regarding the fact that rats have, twice now, eaten holes in my camping gear (specifically my tent). That's all... nothing profound.
My anti-rat comment was not a suggestion that rats are any less likely than other biological forms. It was a personal complaint to Whoever regarding the fact that rats have, twice now, eaten holes in my camping gear (specifically my tent). That's all... nothing profound.

Regarding Bohr's comment:
I've heard the quote before, but never quite understood it. Can he (or you) give an example of a great truth, and its opposite, in which both are true?
I've heard the quote before, but never quite understood it. Can he (or you) give an example of a great truth, and its opposite, in which both are true?
fuck the 'back' button. I had a large entry typed and now it is lost to the shifting pages of the web. Perhaps that is fitting, for it was a drunken tirade against my emotions of loneliness and self pity, in face of social situations and nonpotential romantics crushes. Which is better, to feel or think? That is indeed the question of the night for...
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For me, I vote "to think", only because it is easier for me to deal with. If I could become a robot and still be able to create art, I would. My feelings are too frustrating and painful for me. I'd rather avoid them. But then, I'd miss out on happiness, even though it is rare, it's wonderful. Ok, so maybe I'm split on this one. If I could incorporate the two with some real balance, maybe I would feel more sane.
By the way, I've lost entries too, so I type them in Word first and then cut and paste, just in case.
Take care.
[Edited on Sep 05, 2003]
By the way, I've lost entries too, so I type them in Word first and then cut and paste, just in case.
Take care.
[Edited on Sep 05, 2003]
or perhaps the joke is that everything matters, but in its own context. I guess it's all a question of perspective. An amusing quote on the subject: "everything could be considered true in one sense, false in another, and meaningless in a third." Though I would rather think the third would be mystery, when you don't know if something is true or false, so you...
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Yeah, but my bullshit is the freshest, not like that dried up crusty bullshit that gets thrown around. My bullshit splatters.
I agree with you metatait. I think of philosphy as the study of creating questions, if you think you found an answer then you have probably screwed the whole thing up.
As the clock ticks onward, a lone ghost wanders his way through the city. Down hills and alleys he flows, through cracks in the pavement and people. In the shadows of doorways and the hollow lights of steel streets. Homeward bound he seeks refuge from the masks of interaction, all he feels keeps him from total invisibility, total oblivion to the world. As Mars stares...
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I wanted to say thank you for the answer to the Rand post, I didn't feel like adding to the post so I'll say it here.
Thank you, what you said made more sense about objectivisim, and her not being objective, and the aborigine tribe...
As for the journal is the joke, "None of this matters in the grand scheme of things?"

Thank you, what you said made more sense about objectivisim, and her not being objective, and the aborigine tribe...
As for the journal is the joke, "None of this matters in the grand scheme of things?"

here's to nights of little sleep. It's funny, I thought drinking a bottle of whisky this afternoon would get me to sleep before now, but no, I just can't turn my brain off. That always seems to happen, especially on nights where I have to get up at nine in the morning. But that's to go give a puppet show performance of Dr. Seuess' Sneetches...
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It's the Moment ya'll
rockin the music
that keeps rockin the people
feel the bumrush jazz
The highlights were the tapdance breakdown and when my crush told me I do a good job at playing the sexy rockstar. What a shame she leaves my life in a week for Mexico. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Romantic dreams may come and go, but the music will...
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rockin the music
that keeps rockin the people
feel the bumrush jazz
The highlights were the tapdance breakdown and when my crush told me I do a good job at playing the sexy rockstar. What a shame she leaves my life in a week for Mexico. Parting is such sweet sorrow. Romantic dreams may come and go, but the music will...
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"I have known all these situations, I have experienced them myself, yet none of them has given rise to the person my curriculum vitae and I represent. The characters in my novels are my own unrealized possibilities. That is why I am equally fond of them all and equally horrified by them. Each one has crossed a border that I myself have circumvented. It is...
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