Well a very long time since my last one, nothing really has changed well a bit has.
I am done with working two jobs to save up for my short film and I am going forward with it.
Once I am done then who knows.
I have been living in Vancouver now for 2 years and I still feel pretty lonely and depressed most of the time its hard to find someone like me, my batting average seems to be worse than Bob Uker. In a world where being a kind gentlemen just means friendship with the opposite sex it seems like somedays I am just better off going caveman and bringing a club with me to a pub or whichever, of course a joke but you get what I mean.
Regardless the next few months should be interesting working on my short film.
I am done with working two jobs to save up for my short film and I am going forward with it.
Once I am done then who knows.
I have been living in Vancouver now for 2 years and I still feel pretty lonely and depressed most of the time its hard to find someone like me, my batting average seems to be worse than Bob Uker. In a world where being a kind gentlemen just means friendship with the opposite sex it seems like somedays I am just better off going caveman and bringing a club with me to a pub or whichever, of course a joke but you get what I mean.
Regardless the next few months should be interesting working on my short film.
What's this short film going to be about?
A lonely insocialable guy whocloses himself off from the world falls for girl at school he used to know years back, when she invites him to a party he decides to risk showing his emotions to this girl and telling her how he feels. That is pretty much it without spoiling it I suppose.