Haven't had pizza in a long time, been budgeting hardcore for so long that I am pretty excited about my new job and finally getting paid a decent wage, I am mostly going for the overtime though. The more money I can save right now the better for either way I am going. Saving to do my short films or maybe try and pull a...
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I finally got hired into a job I actually am looking forward to doing........video game testing.

I haven't been really into video games (taking I am from the SEGA generation) in a long time but hey can't think of a better place to work but get paid a decent amount of money to test video games (check for bugs). Its a good thing for me...
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thanx, its starting to get better....but now my nose is plugged right up

WOW video game tester? In van? thats a prettty sweet gig eeek
I must be terribly bored if I am putting posts in here on a regular basis. There was a time where I would only post ever month or every 4 months. Weird

Weekend is over and I still find myself waiting for a call from one place that I feel like is just jerking me around right now but I really want a job from...
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What is with me I can't get "I Want To break Free" by Queen out of my head, its more than just a song of the day thing its been a whole bloody deal.

May it I want to break free, perhaps.
Today or tomorrow I should know where I stand in the next few days.

If I get a call from one place i will work there, if I don't then I will possibly go in become a video game tester. Seems to me like the most awesome job one can have, more repetitious than anything else but for 11 dollars an hour who can complain....
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I just had my first singing lesson class. I pretty much went into see if I could actually pull off singing at least decently. I obvious have a long way to go but funny enough the teacher thought I have a good voice. So that is uplifting.

Now I got to find the time for when my house is clear of my room mates to...
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Well months since the last one. What has happened with ol' Corey.

Became 23, got a new computer (iMac), will be getting a new job (a much better job).

I finally finished the feature length script that I have been working on for a few months, pretty proud of it, I will be doing the second draft of it soon.

I don't know I get...
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Another month, another post, nothing much has changed. Only that my film fell through so I am working on another short film project, hope to shoot it sometime in November, hopefully away from my birthday so I can at least enjoy it.

Can't say there is much else going on in my life, i just seen Adcross The Universe, it probably has the best use...
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Glad to have seen you out of Friday night....... hope to see you again at another event!!! miao!! biggrin
Well a very long time since my last one, nothing really has changed well a bit has.

I am done with working two jobs to save up for my short film and I am going forward with it.

Once I am done then who knows.

I have been living in Vancouver now for 2 years and I still feel pretty lonely and depressed most of...
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What's this short film going to be about?
A lonely insocialable guy whocloses himself off from the world falls for girl at school he used to know years back, when she invites him to a party he decides to risk showing his emotions to this girl and telling her how he feels. That is pretty much it without spoiling it I suppose.
Another month, another day for news.

How is ol' Corey doing in Vancity?

its been pretty restless for me these days working two minimum wage jobs just to pay rent and still have enough to save money but due to the fact that i love to buy movies its truly hard to save money. Keeps making me wonder if I should stay in Vancouver when...
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glad i could brighten up your day! have a great weekend!!!!
Hello hello here again

What have I been doing the past few weeks. Working that is mostly it getting some decent hours working at the Petcetera but also hunting for a compatible second job. The pet store isn't paying nearly enough to keep bread on the table and rent paid. So today is my first day working at a dishwasher at the old spagetti factory....
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