I try to think of things so I can try an post a blog every week but my life just isn't that interesting lately to say something new every week
I have no clue whats going on with my medical board which is usually how it works until you hear what your findings are. All i know is its still working its way around here getting everything needed together before they mail it off to D.C. for its evaluation. I just hope it comes back with great findings!
On the 6th and final week of this "Blood & Guts" workout. I love it because it has you lift what I like to lift!! Extremely heavy ass weight!! lol I'll post all my results in a blog next week when it is over. Now the hard part is trying to figure out a routine to do next. Hard decision but I think i found this really awesome one created by a fitness model and martial artist, Julien Greaux. It is just different circuits throughout the week to get and keep you lean. I really don't think there is anything I love more than killing my body in the gym!! Well I guess doing that while listening to some METAL!! lol
Next week I go to see the doctors that did my transplant surgery for my 1 year check up. I can't believe it has almost been an entire year sense my surgery. Scariest moment of my life.
Well before I'm off I wanted to congratulate some of the girls that went pink the last few weeks!
And I know Luna went pink a short while ago but I have to congratulate her too!!
And I'll leave you all with some Marine Corps humor. lol

I have no clue whats going on with my medical board which is usually how it works until you hear what your findings are. All i know is its still working its way around here getting everything needed together before they mail it off to D.C. for its evaluation. I just hope it comes back with great findings!
On the 6th and final week of this "Blood & Guts" workout. I love it because it has you lift what I like to lift!! Extremely heavy ass weight!! lol I'll post all my results in a blog next week when it is over. Now the hard part is trying to figure out a routine to do next. Hard decision but I think i found this really awesome one created by a fitness model and martial artist, Julien Greaux. It is just different circuits throughout the week to get and keep you lean. I really don't think there is anything I love more than killing my body in the gym!! Well I guess doing that while listening to some METAL!! lol
Next week I go to see the doctors that did my transplant surgery for my 1 year check up. I can't believe it has almost been an entire year sense my surgery. Scariest moment of my life.
Well before I'm off I wanted to congratulate some of the girls that went pink the last few weeks!
And I know Luna went pink a short while ago but I have to congratulate her too!!
And I'll leave you all with some Marine Corps humor. lol

Oh! Hahaha too cute

Thank you so much for your love in my newest set! All your support made me pink.